Chapter 1

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Jade: a romance fiction |


She hadn't planned on hooking up again with the bastard she once called her boyfriend but unfortunately she did. And got caught. Consequently, she got in trouble and this time there was no getting out of it. Then, she met him and everything changed. "Jade, this is Ryan Parker. Student council president."

Warning: Minor coarse language and suggestive themes.

Chapter 1

Jade Wilson had been caught doing a lot of things in school property before. She had been caught cheating on tests, skipping classes, fighting her classmate, back talking any type of authority figure and anything else you can think of. She had not however, been caught doing the dirty deed in an empty classroom with her ex-boyfriend, until that day.

Jade sighed, picking at the invisible dirt under her finger nails as Mrs. Sanchez yelled at her parents inside of her office. The principal was clearly exaggerating but that was just Jade's opinion. So she violated another rule, they should just add it to her long on-going record. It wasn't her fault that Mark grabbed her during changing period and dragged her into that empty art classroom to apologize for being the asshole he always was. It was not her fault that his hands were magical and as soon as he sensually touched her she gave in. And it definitely was not her fault that he knew how to make her mouth and body scream for him as if her life depended on it.

Just as she was about to get her release, the door had creaked open and they were caught by their math teacher who had heard her screams outside the door and mistook it for a cry for help.

So there she was sitting outside the principal's office listening to the principal scold her parents since the incident definitely wasn't her fault. Her parents weren't the only ones there. Mark's mother was in there as well, also getting her share of how to improve her parenting skills.

"So...Jade," The boy in question started saying with his signature smirk as he sat across from her outside the principals office. "Does this mean we're back together?"

She shot him a lethal glare.

"Come on babe, I know you were enjoying it-"

"Shut the hell up, Mark." She snapped. "And no, we are definitely not back together."

What happened between them was merely a lapse of judgment on her part. A moment of weakness. She hadn't forgotten why they had broken up in the first place. The bastard cheated on her with her ex-best friend and she allowed him to touch her again. The thought of it even disgusted her.

She knew that she made a huge mistake, one she wasn't going to let happen again. She was not going to waste her time with him anymore.

"Jade," Mark tried again, his tone suddenly changing.

She looked over at him once more and noticed that the smirk had disappeared from his face, replaced by a look she rarely ever saw on him.

"I really am sorry," his voice was soft.

Jade didn't say anything but held his gaze for a while. She knew that he meant it but she wasn't ready to forgive him, not just yet. Their gaze broke when the principal's door flew open and their parents all walked out. Mrs. Sanchez gestured her fingers toward her.

"Jade, come in please."

Jade stood up from her seat and walked toward the door, not failing to notice the disappointed looks coming from Mark's mother and her own mother. Obviously they all blamed her. At least her father didn't looking like he wanted to kill her. He reserved that look for Mark instead.

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