Chapter 21

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Jade Chapter 21, a romance fiction|

"I'm sorry, Jade. As of today, you are no longer a student of central high. Go to your locker and clean everything out. You will be escorted out of the campus and you can no longer set foot inside these buildings."

Jade just stared incredulously at her principal, unable to believe these words. "But, I -,"

"Enough, Jade. No more excuses. You have repeatedly acted out and been a troublemaker since you started here. It's a wonder you've lasted this long but I will not have you disregard the values of this school anymore. You embarrassed the school at an away game and we will not tolerate that type of misconduct any longer. You need to leave, immediately."

"But Mrs. Sanchez-," Jade tried to plead, her voice desperate but the principal wasn't having it. Her expression was cold and unwavering. Jade had never seen her look like that before.

"What's done is done. Mr. Barns, please escort Miss Wilson out of the building."

Jade looked over at Mr. Barns, the dean who had given up on her a months ago and let the principal deal with her instead. He had an evil sneer on his face and his eyes were laughing at Jade.

"Let's go, Miss Wilson," he said in a taunting voice. "I told you, you'd never make it." He grabbed Jade by the arm and starting leading her out.

Jade desperately looked toward Mrs. Sanchez again, hoping for another chance. "Please, principal Sanchez-,"

But the principal wasn't even paying her any more attention. She was busy typing away on a computer.

"It's too late, Jade. You should have thought about it when you decided to get into fights and let that mouth of yours run wild." Mr. Barns said maliciously as he dragged her out into the hall.

"Please, I can do better I promise. I can change. I just want to graduate,"

Her words were ineffective. The dean didn't care. He still had a sneer on his face and he was enjoying dragging her out of the school.

The hallways were filled with students. Her classmates were looking and pointing at her, whispering and quietly laughing at her.

She saw Monica, with her arms crossed and a satisfied smirk on her lips. She saw Jasmine, who couldn't even look at her.

She saw Mark, an indifferent look on his face. Then there was Byron, Peter, Sandra, Reina, Ryan...

They all looked disappointed.

But Ryan...Ryan was more than just disappointed. He looked devastated.

"Im sorry," Jade said, hoping he could hear her.


"I'm sorry..."

"Jade, wake up," Kayla lightly shook her cousin awake.

Jade finally opened her eyes, rubbing the drowsiness away. It took her a moment to re-orient to her surrounding and realize that she had been dreaming. None of it was real.

"Don't you have that dinner to get ready for?" Kayla asked while putting an earring on.

"Um, yeah." Jade frowned at her bedside clock which read 5:35pm. Her nap took longer than she had planned. And that dream. She could still feel the stares, the whispers, the look of disappointment from her friends...

She shook those thoughts away. It was just a dream.

So why did she still feel upset over it?

"So, how do I look?" Kayla asked, striking a pose in her dress and ducking her lips.

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