Chapter 17

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Jade Chapter 17, a romance fiction |

Jade didn't sleep well that night. She tossed and turned in the little space that she had, seeing as her cousin had decided to invade her bed instead of occupying the guest room like she usually did.

The events of the party kept her restless but what stuck the most was the visit at the Parker's afterward. Why their opinion of her mattered, she had no idea. All she knew was that they were good people and at the moment they were mad at her. Especially Ryan. She owed him an apology.

Ryan was turning out to be much different from what she had imagined. There was much more to him than she was aware of. Much more she probably didn't know. He had asked her why she asked about him. She told him she didn't know but it wasn't true. Sure she was curious but there was more to it than that. More than she was willing to admit.

He basically told her to get lost and she couldn't even bring herself to apologize. It would have been easier if he hadn't given her that look before closing the door. She could have gone about her life and forgotten about the Parker's but no. Ryan looked at her as if he still...cared.

She mentally shook her head.

She had other important things to worry about. Like what exactly led to the big fight yesterday and what Monica meant when she stated it wasn't over. There was also a certain kiss that kept resurfacing in her thoughts and made her stomach flip but she kept pushing it back in the depths of her mind. Not to mention that physics test waiting for her the following day.

A groan from her bed had her looking over at her cousin.

"It hurts." Kayla mumbled, tossing around in bed.

Jade stood up from her desk and grabbed the Tylenol bottle she set out on her bedside table. She took two pills out and handed them to her cousin along with a water bottle.

Kayla was still tossing and mumbling about the pain in different parts of her body for several seconds before she graciously accepted the pills and quickly drowned them down. She dropped back down under the covers and continued to groan.

"Fuck, why did that bitch have to hit me in the stomach?" She whined, clutching her side.

"Because you asked for it." Jade answered. She wasn't in the mood to be nice. Even if it was Sunday morning.

"Well, she deserved it. She was talking too much."

Jade sat back down on her desk chair, still facing her cousin. "What exactly happened?" She asked.

"She wouldn't stop talking about you and Byron." Kayla explained. "Mark heard her and shit went down. I have to say Jade, you must have some kind of magic box 'cause those boys are literally crazy over you."

Jade couldn't help but roll her eyes. Only Kayla could say something like that.

"But seriously," Kayla suddenly sat up with a smirk on her face. "How was the kiss?"

Jade shrugged and looked away. "I don't want to talk about it-,"

"Ooh, you're blushing," Kayla gushed. "It was that good, huh?"


"Come on, J, spill. And who was that girl in the white dress? Is she that girl you were always talking about? Louis' ex?"

She was more than just Louis' ex but Jade wasn't about to talk about Elle Reed that particular morning. The girl showed up for one night and already caused enough trouble to last her a week. Well, it wasn't completely her fault but Jade wanted to share the blame. The conversation about Elle Reed to her cousin would take place another time.

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