Chapter 13

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Jade Chapter 13, a romance fiction |

Ryan was right. Jade's new tutor was as good as he had said. Peter was efficient at explaining the materials to her. They only had three sessions so far but she was already feeling more confident at handling the types of physics problems she used to be afraid of even reading. She had an upcoming exam the following Monday, which she felt prepared for but was glad she had the weekend to study a bit more.

In other news, she wasn't making much progress gaining Jasmine's trust back. Monica and Jasmine seemed to be attached at the hips every time she came across them and she never crossed path with Jasmine when she was alone. That Friday was no different.

As she made her way to her locker at the end of the day in the senior hall, she had to pass them both. Monica threw her that irritating glare with a smirk and Jasmine was too busy digging in her locker to acknowledge her.

Containing a sigh, Jade continued down the hall to her own locker but someone suddenly stepped in front of her, blocking her trail.

She backed away a bit and came face to face with Wendy. She tried not to frown at the girl.

"Can I help you?" Jade asked kindly even though she was slightly irritated. They never talked to each other but maybe Wendy only wanted to talk about student council business.

The next words that came out of Wendy's mouth threw those thoughts out of the window.

"Yes. You can stay away from Ryan." Wendy crossed her arms and glared at her.

Jade was too shocked to react immediately. It took her a moment to come to grasp with what she had just heard and once she did, she laughed.

That must have even the wrong thing to do because Wendy's scowl deepened.

Jade decided to hide her amusement for a moment. "And why exactly do I need to stay away from him?" She asked.

"I know what game you're playing, Jade, and Ryan doesn't deserve it. Not again." Wendy said.

Game? Again? What in the world was she talking about?

Jade shared her confusion by frowning. "I don't know what you're talking about. Are we done?"

"No." Wendy continued. "Ryan might not like me but he doesn't need someone like you messing with his feelings."

Jade sucked in a breath, unable to hide her irritation any longer. "Look, just because Parker broke your heart it doesn't mean he has feelings for me. He's just not interested in anyone right now so be careful what you say next. I will let you know right now that I don't deal well with misplaced jealousy."


"And I'm definitely not messing with his feelings but now I think I understand why he said he could never give you a chance-,"

Jade stopped, instantly regretting her words. The pained expression that showed on Wendy's face spoke volume. Whatever bravado she had before had completely vanished, replaced by a pained look on her face.

Jade cursed herself. There she went again, letting her mouth take over before her thoughts could catch up. She let out a sigh.


"You're just like Elle." Her voice was softer, sadder. She shook her head, increasing the guilt Jade was already feeling.


"I just hope Ryan sees that before it's too late." With that parting phrase, Wendy quickly turned around and disappeared down the hall and Jade could have sworn she saw tears in the corner of her eyes.

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