Chapter 11

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Jade Chapter 11, a romance fiction |

Thanksgiving break came to a quick end and it was once again the start of another school week. The weather had gotten colder, snow threatening to fall in the next few oncoming days.

It was rare for Jade to smoke before classes, but that morning she was craving the nicotine so she indulged, leaning against her car door and watching as everyone made their way toward the school entrance.

She inhaled, letting the smoke fill up her lungs before letting it out slowly, calming her down. She repeated it a few times before letting the stub fall on the ground and stepping on it. She wanted to grab another one, but she refrained, leaving it intact in her pocket. The bell would be ringing soon anyway.

She locked her doors and just as she turned to start walking, her name was called.

Jade looked up at Sandra, Louis' sister, standing in front of her.

Sandra gave her a smile. "Hey, how are you?"

Jade shrugged. "I'm ok."

Sandra didn't believe that was the truth but she also knew that it wasn't her place to inquire. "It was nice hanging out at Mandy's place the other night." She said instead.

Jade slightly smiled, recalling what Ryan had said to make her laugh that night. It was definitely one of the highlights of the night. She still wanted to laugh just thinking about it. "Yeah, I had fun." She revealed. She hadn't laughed like that in a while. There were a lot of funny moments during the movie and everyone seemed to enjoy it, even those that booed before.

Too bad the end of the night was anything but fun.

The two girls started walking toward the doors, Jade lost in her thoughts again.

Jasmine's words kept repeating in her head. The pained expression on her face was imbedded in Jade's mind and the way she slammed the door in her was stuck on repeat.

Jade knew she deserved it. She hadn't been a good friend, even before her breakup with Mark. She'd been selfish, only thinking of herself. Everything had to be about her. Everything used to be about her.

Used to be.

"Hey, Jade?" Sandra carefully called, interrupting her thoughts.


"Can I ask you something? Something personal?"

Jade stopped walking and faced Sandra. Like Reina, it seemed she too was a bit curious of Jade's life, not that it was that interesting anymore.

"What's your question?" Jade asked. There wasn't much she had to hide anyway these days. She might as well have been an open book, ready for anyone to read or look through.

"Are you over Mark?"

Of all questions, Jade hadn't expected that one. It took her by surprise but the answer to that question was an easy one. After her breakdown at Kayla's, she had felt lighter, as if she had gotten him out of her system. Being captain of the basketball team and single again at that had girls flocking to him left and right and Jade realized that seeing it hadn't fazed her for a while, even seeing him talking to Monica. She didn't care anymore.

"I don't know if I'm completely over him but it doesn't hurt as much anymore when I see him." Jade answered, surprisingly herself at how honest she sounded.

Sandra smiled a bit as if that was the answer she sought.

"Why did you want to know?" Jade curiously asked. It was a random question, and indeed personal. She didn't share her feelings with just anyone but just like Reina, she could tell that Sandra was trying up befriend her as well.

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