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We entered his house which was bigger than the man's murder case.

We entered his house which was bigger than the man's murder case

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Damn, he was rich as fuck and we took advantage of that. We felt like we were conmen on a mission or just plain old goldiggers, having fun.

"You have a nice place" Elijah said

"Yeah I guess."

As Mark was introduced us to the whole house Elijah whispered, "How should I act you know since he thinks I'm gay."

"Just act like yourself"

"Are you trying to say something y/n?" Elijah asked and I chuckled in response.

"This is clean, fancy room is my bedroom also with the king size bed in it, obviously" Mark took us to his bedroom. There were 14 of them but this one one "special" because it belonged to him.

Elijah and I shared a look while trying to hold in our laughters. Was he actually trying to show off how rich he was to us, especially me? That was messed up.

Elijah whispers in my ears "I'm hungry" I go up to Mark and asked, "Do you have a kitchen in your house?"

"Of course! follow me"

"Can I get wat-" I got cut off by Mark "You wanna have dinner? It's ready" he winked at me.

"Yeah If it's ready why not?" I winked right back at him. Elijah stood there, being resentful in a corner but he knew I was doing this for us to have place to sleep. I really hope he did.

We ate dinner and exchanged playful and flirtatious conversations, specifically me and Mark.

"You can stay as long as you want" Mark smiles. "Oh you don't mind?" I asked.

"No we don't wanna bother you. We will leave tomorrow" Elijah smiled sarcastically.

I gave a "What the fuck is wrong with you?" look to Elijah.

"I would like to stay If you don't mind. I don't know about him though" I smirked at Elijah. "That's what I thought" Mark sounded happy. Elijah was not feeling happy though. I didn't know it at the time but he took everything that happened quite personally.

"Wait-" Mark left us to attend to his random phone call he had gotten. Now it was just me and Elijah, on the dinner table with the TV running in the background. It soon went from a sideline noise to our main focus of the day.

"This unknown brunette man, wearing a red plaid shirt and black jeans has been spotted robbing a store today." we both walked closer to the television screen.

"He's wanted for an unarmed robbery. He assaulted the guard and took off. I'd like for all civilians to stay clear of this man and report to th police if you spot him anywhere. Here's a clip of what he looks like." the reporter continued to speak.

The CCTV footage of elijah punching the cashier played on loop. You could kind of make out what his face looked like. What he wore could be told crystal clear and how could you forget his hair?

I glanced at Elijah who looked like he had peed his pants, he was terrified.

"So this is why you- you shouldn't have-" he interurpted me, "I didn't realise they had CCTV cameras!"

Mark walked in on elijah being an inch away from a mental breakdown. "What CCTV cameras?" he asked as I switched off the TV.

"uh we were wondering if you had cameras installed in your house? um since you know it's a big house with big money."

Mark chuckled, "Don't worry about that. I actually need to tell you something."

"What? Are you kicking us out?' elijah yelled and I tried to calm him down. Mark shot him a look.

"I need to head to London in 3 hours for some work related stuff. I'll be back by tomorrow though! So you can wait for me right here! I will leave my maid, Judy with you. She'll get you whatever the hell you need."

He might be jealous but the man was kind, too kind for his own good.

"What do you do for a living?" I asked.

"My dad owns a finance company and I manage it."

I nodded and Mark packed his stuff. Elijah was still on edge with the whole TV thing. I don't blame him. It is pretty fucking scary to see yourself wanted on TV for committing a crime.

Mark left and kissed me goodbye on the cheek. Mark and Elijah on the other hand, didn't exchange any words. They warned each other through their glares. I hated it so damn much, having two possesive dudes around me. I was glad at least one of them was gone.

"We can't stay here. Everyone in this city knows what I look like!! What if Mark finds out and calls the fucking cops y/n?" elijah yelled.

This time I knew he was right and I didn't have anything to argue about so I planned a thorough escape plan with him. We only had one night to get it all done.

We setted up our phones and went for it. Elijah distracted the Maid while I snooped around Mark's stuff and stole whatever cash or valuable item I found. He had a alot of pricey stuff laying around out in the open for a rich man. It was probably his first time being rich, he was shit at it.


It was quite easy to trick the maid and make her leave the house. I helped y/n to steal Mrak's stuff as well.

I'll admit that stealing is wrong and I am still completely against it but we had to make money to survive without depending on Mark and his stupid mansion.

As y/n once said to me, he is so rich he wouldn't even notice if a quarter of his money or valuable stuff was gone. The maid wasn't back yet so we rechecked everything and left the house. WE didn't care if the cameras caught us. WE had no other option than leaving this city. I didn't trust Mark and most importantly my luck.

Since y/n and I thought Mark was kind and naive enough to help out two strangers we left him a joyful note,

Don't trust strangers x

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