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My moment of peace gets dispruted when y/n shakes me awake.

"What?" I sit up.

"We have to leave now!"

I rub my eyes and sigh at the absolute zany antics of this woman. "I won't, y/n. You have to stop acting so crazy." 

I will stand my ground this time. I am frustrated of living like this. We have nothing of our own. We get new places everyday yet I can't call a single one my home.

"You stop being crazy! I think the place I robbed got me on tape." 

I stand up form the bed, "I can't keep doing this y/n. I have my fucking family back home! waiting for me!"

I am fed up with moving cities and the uncertainty that comes with it. I miss my family. I can't believe I left them for this girl.

I've seen her go from someone I cared for to becoming an utter stranger. I don't recognise her as the person I fell for.

She yells, "I can't believe I have to fucking deal with you!"

"At least you don't have to deal with sharing a room with a killer." I scoff.

y/ns eyes light up with rage. "I am not a killer elijah! It was self defense. Get that shit through your head!"

"We can't keep moving cities forever, y/n. I have a job to cater to. I haven't updated my channel in ages. I do YouTube."

"Not a real job." she says bluntly.

She is testing my patience but at the same time I am scared of her. I am scared of the person she's always been but I never saw.

"We are not moving and that's all." I fold my arms.

She continues to pressure me to move and I deny her ideas. "I'll fucking kill you." she says out of frustration. People say stuff like that all the time but when that came out of y/n's mouth, it concerned me.

I thought she was the one but it is not late to back out, I guess. I turn on the tv to feel something different than despair but my hands freeze on the remote and my jaw drops when my eyes meet what's on the screen.


Elijah was acting distant before now he was being a pain in the ass. It felt like he wanted us to get caught. The shit hit the fence when I saw what was on the News.

"Elijah Best, age 22 has been reported missing by his family. He was last spotted in California, unarmed attempting a robbery. The reward of 5000 dollars is out for finding the brunette man." the reporter read.

"That little shit. You said he wouldn't report you?"

"Hey! don't talk about my brother like that!" he yelled back this time.

"Fucking leave! now! I can't let the police see you with me!" I threw his jacket out the door.

"I am the one that's been reported missing. I am not gonna be outside! in the public eye!"

I replied,  "I said fucking leave! I don't give a flying shit if you get arrested and rot for the rest of your life in prison." 

Elijah looked visibly hurt but I didn't care. "Of course you don't give a shit if someone else suffers for the murder you committed!"

"I didn't murder him! If you say that one more time. I swear to fuck I will-" he cut me off, "You will what? Murder me too?" he chuckled.

I clenched my fist out of anger because I knew I couldn't do anything except scream at the man standing in front of me.

"I am leaving y/n. I need to see my family. You can come if you want."

I slid my hand in my jacket and held onto the knife inside. This little weapon was the reason of our relationship going downhill. Elijah hated this, right? He didn't want me keeping it  but if it hadn't been for me using this knife to rob those twats back at the motel we wouldn't have a place to sleep that day.

I walked closer to him as he prepared to leave, "You are fucking dumb! You are gonna get caught."

"I can't do this on my own. I need my family. It's okay if you don't understand, I guess." he stated.

I don't want him to leave but I don't want him to be an obstacle in my way either.

"What is it with you and your family? Why are you so obsessed with them? Do you wanna fuck them? Is there some kind of incest thing going on?" I crossed the line on purpose.

"At least I have a family y/n."

In that instance, I felt paralysed with anger. I was struck with enrage like lightning. I couldn't control my actions. I was acting out of the force that had hypnotized me.

I stabbed him in the upper chest with the knife I was holding onto. Red crimson blood spewed out of his chest as he screamed bloody murder and fell to the ground.

TOXIC (sketchxreader)Where stories live. Discover now