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I wake up while sweating profusely and breathing heavily. I feel so so weak and dizzy. I decide to rest my head on the pillow again but there's no pillow?

I realise I am on the ground. I tightly shut my eyes and hold myself together when flashbacks of what happened slide through my memory.

My hands shake when I reach for my chest. This must not be real. All of this feels like a fever dream, it better be one.

All of my hopes are crushed when I find a pool of blood streaming down my torso. I wheeze in pain.

The amount of blood i've lost is making me light-headed. I struggle to climb up the bed but after a few attempts I manage it.

Y/n what have you done to me? Mentally and physically scarring me for life. Ethan was right all along. Y/n is not a person I should've trusted.

I've had enough. I reach the landline in the room and prepare to dial up Ethan.

Y/n must be bummed that I didn't die. She even took the knife with her again. Probably to go on a damn killing streak.

The rings start going off. I hope Ethan picks up and doesn't get angry at me. I have to stop y/n from committing more horrible crimes. I am the witness and i'll make sure justice is served. I'll report her with Ethan's help.

"Hello? Elijah?" He picks up.

"Hey! How are you? I missed you!"

"Elijah what the fuck have you been up to?" I hear my dad from the other end.

"I uh-." I am taken back.

"You've disappointed us so damn much and you almost gave your mom a heart attack."

"What? I am s-sorry. I'll come back right now! I'll fix everything! Look dad, It's a long story. I was a witness to-"

"You are not gonna step foot in my house and don't ever call me your fucking dad again. You'll go straight to prison for the murder you did after they trace your location from this call." He hangs up.

A chill runs down my spine. My dad disowned me? and the cops are after me?

I thought if everything goes downhill, my family will be there for me no matter what but they dont even wanna be called my family anymore.

The girl who I thought was the one, left me and I might get put into prison for the rest of my life for something I didn't even do.

Then it clicks, he said they would trace my location? I quickly put on my jacket and look for the money. I sigh. Y/n took it all with her, of course!

I check out of the hotel and tumble down to the streets with my bleeding chest, still quite visible.

I don't wanna faint. How do I stop this bleeding? I enter a random medical store, hoping to steal something useful.

I know after being on TV for stealing then stealing again is a dumb move but it is my last resort to my save my bleeding chest.

It stings so hard. I feel like my chest is gonna go numb. I make no eye contact with the cashier this time to avoid suspicions.

Bad thoughts immediately start rushing through my head as I find the items I need. I place my hand on them and feel y/n stabbing me all over again!

I shut my eyes as a poor attempt to hold my tears but I fail obviously.  I end up knocking all the stuff over out of anger.

The cashier yells profanities at me and tells me to fuck off. I couldn't care less. I am going to prison for the rest of my life anyways, nothing matters not even my life.

I flip the guy off and exit the store. I run into an alleyway to my safety. I fully unleash my emotions and fall to the ground, sobbing.

My life is cornering me. There's nothing to live for. You know what? Even if my parents don't want me! I am still gonna go home to them!

I have no money for any place tickets but I have the will and zero common sense to believe I'll get all the way from California to Massachusetts today.

I run again, to find the airport this time but I clash into someone. "Stupid bitch!" I yell.

When I turn around I am met with a big, tall man who looks to be in his mid 30s.

"I am sorry!" I yell as he picks me up by my collar.

"You fucking cunt. You are gonna regret this." He knocks me down on the ground and continues to beat me mercilessly.

Ironic, how I called this the alleyway to my safety. I flutter my eyes open. I am in direct contact with the sky. It looks like a black void, reminds me of my feelings for y/n.

The sky is simply black and hollow, it makes me think of what life has in store for me. My future doesn't seem like something you would wanna look forward to.

I sit up to a splitting headache. Who knew almost getting beaten to death gives you those? I wipe the blood spewing down my forehead to my eyes. It is blinding.

I still have the thirst of falling back onto my family's embrace. I limp my way to the aiport and I surprisingly make it there, in 2 hours with sore a body and a sore mind.

I am tired of my emotions consuming my mind.

I feel exactly how I felt when Cayla broke up with me. It took me ounces of courage and hard work to get out of that state but I've been thrown back to square one again.

I can't do this. I need my family who was there for me when the break up happened. How am I gonna board a plan with no money?

I make my way into the empty airport bathroom and stare at my reflection in the mirror.

I make my way into the empty airport bathroom and stare at my reflection in the mirror

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I look worn out and of course I am covered with blood. How did no one here stop me from entering or ask if I was okay? No one gives a fuck.

I wish the man I pissed off in the alleyway had done enough damage to kill me. I can't even bear to look at myself in the mirror for what things I have let happen to me.

I have no where to go. Everyone including my last hope, my family have turned their back on me. I thought y/n would be there for me but she never was to being with.

I have no place, no person to call home. No safe place to go. Who do I fall back onto when I need support? What's the purpose of me even existing then?

I dig into my pockets for any possible spare cash but instead I make an interesting discovery.

It's a bottle of pills that managed to slip into my pocket when I threw those supplies off the counter at the shop.

This is a perfect sign from the universe that what I am feeling is the right thing to do. The timing is truly impeccable.

I spill out a total 9 pills on my hands. I won't have to go to prison, I won't have to see the disappointed faces of my parents if this works.

I stare at the pills and the tap running with water. This could be my new home, my safe place.

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