Train to Future

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I woke up in Elijah's arms. The day had arrived, we couldn't pretend to be blissfully unaware of our situation anymore. I felt him stroking my hair, "Hey."

I looked up at him, "We need to go back to Boston and tell the police what really happened. It has to be a confession."

Elijah was barely awake, he did not expect me to jump to the topic instantly and address the elephant in the room. "Yeah, y/n." his striking hazel eyes conveyed worry.

"I am getting ready to go to the train station. We have to take a train there, just to be safer." I left the comfort of his arms. He nodded in response.

I want to be done with this already. I wanna live with Elijah like a normal couple.

We got the train we needed and found our seats. I and him sat across from each other. He avoided eye contact the whole time, what was he thinking about? Why is becoming distant again? Unfortunately, those questions remained unanswered.

We were beside each other but in completely different worlds of our own. There was distance between us and neither of us did anything to erase it. It is safe to say we did not talk much during that ride. I and elijah were too busy thinking of losing each other that we didn't realise we had each for the moment.

I stared out the window, taking a second to process what was happening. This was the train to our future, the destination was known but the events that were gonna take place when we reached there were unknown.

After that I shut my eyes and fell asleep. I directly woke up when we made it. "Let's go." he held my hand and we exited out the train station.


I feel instant relief as the slightly warm breeze hits my face. The wind here is completely different, being back in my city feels great. Everything is familiar and comforting, I definately missed this.

I turn over to y/n, "I am going home."

"Elijah! No!." she looks at me as if she's is one step away from telling me off.

"I am not asking you, I am telling you and for the last time, I don't need you to come with me but you can if you want to." I say firmly. I need her to come with me, I need here to be with me anywhere I go.

She proceeds to stare at me and say nothing. Be strong and stand your ground, Elijah. I turn around and walk away.

I guess I'll hitch hike my way to my home. I am gonna be alone but I can't pressure her to be stay with me 24/7. Then, I feel y/n by my side. I look over and I am met with her beautiful features. I am glad she chose to join me.

We hitchhike with a random old-couple and they drop us over at my house. "So? Is this it?" y/n asks.

"Yeah, pretty much."

I sigh and stare at familiar door. The memories I made in this house as a kid, teenager and young adult rush through my head like a movie. I have never been this home-sick. Being at my house alone makes me feel like I've got my life together.

Y/N isn't even aware of my family's hatred for me. I know they most likely will kick me out of here but what if they don't? What if they give me just one chance to explain everything? That would change my life's condition and I am hopeful.

I think at least Ethan will understand. We share blood, after all. I take in everything laying in front of me one last time before finally ringing the door bell. I fold my hands and wait but there's no answer.

I share a look with y/n and ring the bell again. I hear footsteps approaching the door, my heart stops. The door is pulled open and Ethan is on the other side, his jaw drops and he charges towards me. He hugs me as if his life depends on it.

I have no time to fathom what's happening. I tightly hug my brother back. I knew it. He would be on my side, no matter what. I break down and cry into his shoulders.

 I am getting good at it, crying that is. It's the thing I've been doing the most since the past few days besides eating.

"I fucked up Ethan." I sob.

"I know."

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