The End

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A sociopath is a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is , often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

Psychopaths tend to be more manipulative, can be seen by others as more charming, lead a semblance of a normal life, and minimize risk in criminal activities. Sociopaths tend to be more erratic, rage-prone, and unable to lead as much of a normal life.

Psychopaths are born but Sociopaths are made because of the trauma surrounding their lives from an early age.

Psychopaths have no conscience unlike Sociopaths who have one but don't use it. When they do something wrong they feel guilty about it but repress their emotions and move on, because of the Trauma Sociopaths adapt in a way to block out their emotions in order to cope.

Sociopaths and Psychopaths are both capable of forming at least one meaningful relationship. They are capable of love but that love isn't exactly healthy it's Toxic.


I checked every street I knew while limping. There were a few kind taxi drivers who helped me get from one location to another without charging any money but when they were gone, I was fragile and lonely.

The only thing surrounding me is worry. I will never be able to be at peace with myself if I don't see y/n today. I have to find her no matter what. The heavy thunderstorm intervened with my journey.

The sky is dark and full of rage. It looks evil yet endearing which perfectly describes y/n's presence to me. The rain is making it harder for me to get to places, there are no taxis in sight so I continue to limp my way through the streets.

For god sake, I am in love with a sociopath who most likely never loved me back, she just pretended for all I know. I am slow and I am barely getting anywhere from walking but I can't do anything else, can I?

It all makes sense. her keeping a calm aura in intense situations, her fiery temper along side her anti social behaviour. How blind was I to not see these traits of y/n till today? I hate false hope but today I am victimizing myself to it. I am reaching no where with this disability yet I keep telling myself that it'll work out.

It doesn't just end there. I have sympathy for this "monster" as my family would call her. I fall on my knees as cold water from the sky trembles down my weak body. I am fucking useless. I can't even get to her.

I don't wanna give up but limping through the town is as good as sitting there and doing nothing. People around her, probably her family made her this way. Repressing your feelings is a dangerous coping mechanism. I am glad she chose me to be the one who she opens up to and talks about her feelings to.

I feel honoured. I am the only one who sees her as the amazing girl she really is. I take a taxi back home, feeling defeated. I slowly walk up to the door and enter the empty house which once used to filled with happy memories and the scent of home cooked food.

Now, all I can remember are dreadful and unhappy days I spent here. I kick my shoes off and go upstairs to my room. My eyes meet the only window lighting the pitch black room.

 My eyes meet the only window lighting the pitch black room

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I glance at my bed and jump back. I feel my heart fall into my stomach but I calm down when I realise who is sleeping on my bed. It is y/n, she looks as beautiful as ever. I feel a rush of relief and familiarity take over my body.

I was looking for her all over the world but she was right here the whole time.

I have never felt such at ease before. I want her to be in my arms forever. I run over to my bed and lay on her, I wrap my hands around her waist tightly. I don't care if she wakes up, I need her more than life right now.

"What the fuc-" she tries to sit up but I hug her tightly.

"You are here! with-h me! right here!" I unknowingly comfort myself while hysterically crying.

"'Are you crying?" she asks. No shit, y/n.

I don't reply and continue to cherish the realisation of y/n being with me. No one understands the panic I felt out on the streets, alone and worrying about how I'll never see the love of my life ever again. I though I lost y/n but I only lost my sanity behind her.

"You good?" she asks again.

"No, I am not! How do I explain it to you with making you uncomfortable? Y-you are my safe zone. I wanna be in your arms every time I cry over my sorrows, every time I smile at the jokes you crack and every time I almost get run over by your crazy ex." I yell truthfully while swallowing my tears.

I sense her feeling uneasy but I have to confess, the way I feel about y/n is eating me alive. I can't live like this. "I love you, y/n."

I am losing all hope. She has even stopped playing with my hair. The room was dead silent till I hear, "Elijah, I don't kno-"

I interrupt her, "I know you secret."


"You are a sociopath. The psychologist they had for you- knows. We know. She exposed you." I reply.

She goes mute again, "Whether you love me back or not. Just know that I love you regardless and I'd do anything for you." I break the silence.

She doesn't reply and starts crying instead. I wonder what's going on inside her head at the moment. Y/n slowly starts to stroke my hair again. I think I have her back. The y/n I fell for is back.

"You can't take the blame for me.", she finally speaks.

"No I'll take the blame. I don't want you to suff-" y/n speaks over me, "I am not gonna let you do that. We got into this mess because of me."

"Don't blame yourself! It's the man's fault that we are in this mess today. I'll take the blame for you and get you out of this mess." I state.

"Elijah. I promise you won't let you do that." y/n challenges me and I laugh into her chest. The way she said was adorable, it's like we are talking about getting dinner or something not about going to prison.

I can't wait to start a new chapter of my life with y/n. We have time, like a lot of it. before I am sent off to prison. We'll make use of that time and be happy for once. I slowly fall asleep in her arms.

Y/n might've never said she loves me back but at least she's always going to be my side. Only a few people are lucky enough to share a life with the ones they love and I am glad to be one of them.


The thought of Elijah taking the blame was bugging me. He fell asleep on me and I gently pushed him off me. He didn't even flinch, he was so tired that he fell deep into sleep.

I got an idea. He can't turn himself in if I beat him to it. I was obviously scared of getting the life sentence or something. I had no clue of how the justice system worked but I just simply couldn't load elijah with the consequences of my doings.

I snuck out in the middle of the night to the police station. I did things according to my plan. I brought the knife from the murder scene with me. I showed it to them and confessed to everything. A lot of it wasn't even true.

I confessed to murdering the man out of spite because the police told me to. They left me in the room alone and informed me that I'd be taken to a prison in another state tomorrow.

I laughed out loud as I realised something big, huge even. When I found out Elijah would be framed for the murder I committed, I was relived but now I was turning myself in just so he doesn't have to deal with me.

I never treated him right so the least I could do was to do the right thing and face the consequences of the things I did wrong.

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