By The Cemetery Gates

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Gerard's pov.

Trigger warning for suicide, they only mention it briefly but I'll put a line of *asterisks* before and after they've talked about it. Oh, and the whole chapter kinda deals with the death of Frank's parents so just ~stay safe and funky~

I awoke to a small tapping noise. I sat up groggily, my eyes fused together with sleep. I rubbed my eyes blearily and looked around, the room was cloaked in darkness, strange shadows morphed in the corners. The tapping noise continued, irritating me slightly. I signed heavily before heaving my tired body out if bed and tried to focus on the noise. My ears trained on the wall to my right, where my window was placed, I headed over and pulled back the curtains, peering down into the dark street. To my surprise Frank was stood underneath the street light that was stationary outside my window, the soft white glow casting over his pale features, a wide grin spread over his face. I rolled my eyes at the sight of him before pushing the glass open, resting my elbows on the window ledge, one of my eyebrows raised questioningly. I tried to suppress the smile that was threatening to break out over my face.

"Took you a while." He teased jokingly, shoving his hands into the pocket of his leather jacket.

"Yeah well I was kind of preoccupied." I responded sarcastically. The cold air filtered in through the window, making me shiver as I half-heartedly glared down at my friend.

"Well you're awake now. Come down here." He playfully ordered. I sighed over-dramatically, rolling my eyes again before heading away from the window. I rifled through my closet quickly, dragging out my usual pair of black jeans, I pulled them quickly over my black underwear. Not bothering to change the shirt I had gone to bed in, an oversized and worn out Black Flag shirt.

I grabbed my phone off from where it was charging on my nightstand, not bothering to check the time as I shoved it in my jean pocket. I quickly remembered to grab my hoodie from the back of my chair, pulling it over my head hurriedly and walking out my room. I quietly walked down my stairs, my feet soft and slow on the light beige carpet. I retrieved the key from the bowl on the table, unlocking the door quietly. I slipped outside, the cold air sending a chill down my spine.

"Hey." I whispered quietly, trying to refrain from waking up my parents.

"Hi." He grinned back, "I've been standing out here for ages." He joked as we started walking away from my house.

"I was asleep."

"You're a deep sleeper." He laughed. His entire demeanor had changed since the last time I saw him, not only was he smiling and laughing, his mood seemed so much lighter, as if a giant crushing weight had been relieved from his shoulders. I nodded in agreement to his statement, my mind elsewhere, pondering his change of persona.

"What- ah my dick is on fire," I started, stopping to laugh at myself, "what time is it?" I continued, glancing up at my friend as I walked.

"About three am." He answered.

My head jerked to the side and involuntarily flung my arm to the side , hitting a bush with my hand. "And may I ask why you're dragging me out in the middle of the night?" I queried.

"Why not. I was bored." He responded.

"Of course." I sighed, smiling to myself. I breathed in the cold air, sighing deeply, my breath making visible patterns as I exhaled.  "Ah ah, do you want to go to hell?" I ticced, I smiled as I heard Frank laugh softly beside me.

We approached the road, puddles lined the mud coated gutters, was growing from the cracks in the road. A small piece of life in a hostile environment.

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