This Was So Much Fun To Write You Have No Idea

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My phone buzzed eagerly from where it was placed on my bedside table, scaring me as I had zoned out and was almost entirely focused on Stephen King. I dog eared the page I was on and picked up my phone, I turned it over to reveal the identity of the caller, finding out it was Gerard who had phoned me. I accepted the call only to be met with the muffled sound of trashy music and shouting from presumably college kids.

"Gerard where the fuck are you?" I whispered, heading downstairs so not to wake my sleeping mother.

"What?!" He half shouted half slurred.

"Oh Jesus Christ," I mumbled, "where are you?"

"Oh, haha, 'm at a house." I heard the sound of crashing followed by ruacus laughter.

"Which house?" I questioned, slipping my converse on and grabbing a hoodie.

"Dunno, lemme ask." He slurred, there were the sounds of muffle followed by a whole lot of slurred speech before Gerard relayed the house address back to me.

"I'm coming to get you."

"Wait, wait, wai-, no no, 'm havin' fun, ain't this fun? This is so much fun. Pikachu."

I hung up briefly and called an Uber before stepping onto my outside porch to wait as I called my friend again. Gerard picked up on the fourth ring, "Frankie? Oh my god I missed you."

Ten minutes of freezing to death later the Uber arrived outside my house and I climbed inside, "where to kid?" The driver who was a gruff bearded man questioned, I repeated the house address to him and he started off into the night.

I turned my attention back to Gerard who was somehow still on the line, "how much have you had to drink?"

"Dunno, alot? The glasses, what're the little glasses? Them ones." I practically face-palmed at his question, his voice slurred and scratchy.

"Shots?" I questioned, already knowing the answer.

"Ah hah! Them's the ones, you're so clever Frankie. I'm so grateful for you yanno? Like I'd probably be like hanging from the rafters or something without you, and then I'd be all pecked by birds and shit. Man I love birds, beaks and shit." Gerard continued to ramble as I had a crisis in the back of a stranger's car, a metaphor for my life in of itself.

About twenty minutes of rambling later we approached the road Gerard said the house was on, "are you outside?" I questioned, already hearing the shitty music that blared from the house.

"Yep, there's stars and shit. Oh! Frankie we should make a spaceship! We could like travel space and shit and it'd be fantastic, oh I love you Frank."

"I love you too now where are you?" I asked as we pulled up outside the house, a myriad of teenagers littered the front lawn, many of them making out or grinding on eachother, the air stunk of booze and weed.

I quickly spotted my vampire laying on the floor, one hand holding his phone up to his ear which he was still talking through, another hand held up to the sky, tracing patterns in the air. Shortly after a scruffy looking blonde man promptly tripped over my friend and layed face down on the floor.

"Can you just wait a sec while I grab my friend?" I asked the Uber driver, he happily obliged and I headed out the car and made my way over to my vampire, the ankles of my plaid pyjama pants getting damp as I traipsed toward the boy.

I hung up the phone, "Frankie? He left me!" I heard Gerard cry from in front of me. I stood over him and snapped my fingers over his nose, "Frankie! You're back!" He shouted, his mood instantly changing.

"Come on, I got a cab." I said, trying to haul him upwards.

"But I'm having fun." He hiccuped slightly before flopping back on the floor. I groaned in annoyance, and began trying to drag him to his feet again, his skinny jeans now covered in mud. I noticed his hair smelt slightly like weed but was unsure as to wether he'd actually smoked it or the house just harboured a constant aroma of the drug.

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