This One's Extra Spicy

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Gerard's pov

*Smut warning*

I lay in bed scrolling mindlessly through Tumblr, the rain slammed against my windows harshly creating pleasant background noise. I huddled closer under my dark blue duvet, craving the extra warmth.

I pondered on last week's events, it was the next Saturday after I'd accidentally slept over at Frank's, more like on top of Frank but whatever. Our friendship was steadily growing and we talked almost non stop.

My neck jerked sideways slightly which in turn made my neck crack loudly. I always preferred the night, my tics were never quite as aggressive. A bit less violent and intrusive. No one talked to me either which was a massive plus, I wouldn't mind talking to Frank all night though, that would be nice.

Frank probably wouldn't though. He'd find me annoying, he probably already does in fact. Everyone does after a they get to know me. I mean who would want to hang out with me? Someone who can't even control their own voice. I hated that the most, being out of control.

I glanced at the time on my screen and noticed that it as now 3:44 am. It was getting late so I decided to try and sleep, I pushed my laptop under my bed after plugging it on charge, and nestled into my bed.

My eyes were shut gently "it's okay baby, I'll be slow." I heard my best friend say. I felt him lean down and begin to pepper my kneck with kisses, instantly relaxing me. He stroked my cock and I felt him push in slowly, I winced slightly from discomfort.

"Good boy, you're doing so good." He cooed at me.

My now open eyes raked over his body, tattoos prominent on pale skin. He pushed his full length in and allowed me to adjust for a moment.

I stared into his soft hazel eyes and nodded slightly, a sign for him to move. He began thrusting slowly, calloused hands wove their way through my slightly greasy black hair, tugging at the strands gently.

A soft moan escaped my lips, my body engulfed in pleasure as he hit my prostate forcefully. "Oh fuck Frankie" I breathed out softly as he licked a stripe up my neck and continued to hit my spot with dead on accuracy.

His thrusts got ever faster as moan after moan escaped both our lips, connecting and forming a sensual mess in the air around us.

He began jacking me off again, impossible fast, as pleasure began soaring through my body.

"Oh Frank, oh fuck, oh fuck-"

My eyes shit open and I sat bolt upright, my vivid dream flooding back to me.

I felt the aching heat between my legs confirming that I, Gerard Way, had just had a wet dream about my best friend. A vivid one at that.

I tried to settle down and go back to sleep but the mental images if my previous dream invaded my mind. Frank's sweaty body clouded my vision, the pleasure that I'd somehow felt still fresh in my memory.

I had no other choice but to fix my situation. So that's what I did. Frank's body still plaguing my mind.

AN: This I'd my first attempt at smut so don't attack me. The gay is strong in this one.

Bai Bai duckiez

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