The Gift Of Sweet, Sweet Gayness

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Gerard's pov

Slight trigger warning for self harm, he doesn't do it but just kinda looks at his scars and ponders it momentarily.

I sat in the front room awaiting Frank's arrival, it was Christmas day and I asked Frank if he could stay over for the night, unsurprisingly, he agreed.
I drummed my fingers on the plush couches as I, yet again, read the time which displayed 7:33 pm.
A recognisable knock sounded through the house. "I'll get it." I announced to the rest of my family members. I opened the door to a slightly disheveled and tired looking Frank holding a small stack of presents under one arm.

"Hey Gee." He greeted warmly as I invited him inside.
Once he'd removed his shoes and placed the gifts on the coffee table he pulled me into a tight hug, his warm breath hitting my cheek and making me blush slightly.

"Merry Christmas, Gee."

"Merry Christmas, Frankie." I responded as I hugged his small frame tightly.

We separated from our hug and I booped him on he nose, it had started out as a frequent tic but soon became a habit that I had to do at least once everytime so saw him because he is just so boop-able.
"So I got you some presents." The tattooed boy said, gesturing the the two presents that were present on the table.

"So did I, I left 'em upstairs let me go grab them- you're such a fucking slut." I replied, hasty to present Frank his gifts.

"Oh trust me, I know I am." He said with a wink, I rolled my eyes and headed in the direction of my bedroom.

I leaped up the stairs to my room and pulled Frank's not so neatly wrapped presents, you try doing perfect gift wrap when your arms are flailing left right and centre. I quickly checked my appearance in my mirror and caught sight of my far too prominent eye bags and washed out complexion. Hoping that my slightly outlandish "skull with Christmas hat" jumper would distract from my ghastly features I headed back down the stairs.

As I entered the front room I was met by the hilarious sight of my sweet cat Mitch attempting to claw his way up the oh so shorts legs of a startled Frank.

"Gerard your cat is attacking me." He said without a hint of fear in his voice.


I pried Mitch off Frank's jeans after placing his presents on the coffee table and ushered Frank to the couch to sit down. My neck flared up painfully as I went to grab the first of Frank's presents, insisting that he opened his first.

Frank eyed the first, a small box covered in black wrapping paper adorned with skulls wearing Santa hats, it was very Frank. He eagerly ripped the paper from the small box and gingerly opened the lid.

"Oh my god Gee, thank you, they're so perfect." He said as he slipped on the soft fingerless skeleton gloves I had gifted to him.

He wiggled his finger experimentally and giggled slightly at his own movements.

I went to hand him his next present but he insisted he wanted to see me open one of mine before he opened another.

He passed me the smaller of the two lying on the table, a soft, squishy package.

I gingerly tore the present open, admiring the slightly more conventional sparkly snowflake design printed over the paper.

I unfold the item of clothing as it fell onto my lap. I eyed the Black Flag sweater grinning. "I hate it. No I don't I promise, I love it." Frank giggled to himself and pulled me into a hug, I wrapped my arms around him softly "thank you Frankie."

I ran upstairs to change into the sweater, I pulled my current hoodie off and my face fell as I eyed the scars on my arms. My recent cuts had been less severe compared to any prior injury's, not to mention less frequently. I sighed and my new sweater over my head and my mood returned to its previous state.

I entered the front room to be met with Frank petting a relaxed Mitch who was perched in his lap.

"Finally, you become friends."

"He's soft," Replied Frank, gently petting Mitch's fur. "You look adorable in that sweater by the way."

I blushed and fiddled with the hem of the oversized grey clothing.

I returned to my seat and handed Frank his remaining gift. Mitch leaped off his lap as he unwrapped the flat gift.

Frank's eyes widened as he gently brushed his fingers over the top of the vinyl.

"Thank you so much, Gee." He hugged the Number Of The Beast vinyl to his chest.

"I-I th-thought you'd like it, y-you know 'cuz your other one got broken." I replied, my stutter reappearing.

My face repeatedly scrunched up as he thanked me profusely.

I delicately unwrapped his gift to me and gasped when I was presented with a beautiful leatherbound sketchbook, delicate patterns carved into the cover.

"It's beautiful, thank you so much Frankie." I said earnestly as I ran my fingers over the spine of the book.

As I hugged Frank again I nestled my fave into his shoulder slightly and exhaled deeply. He really did make me feel safe.

As both me and Frank pulled away I felt a slight sensation running through my arm, I wasn't quite sure what it entailed but before I could give it much thought I had slapped Frank square in the face.

"Holy shit- my dick is on fire, I'm so sorry." I apologised as I reached out to caress over the red mark forming on his soft cheek.

Frank on the other hand was laughing profusely at the mishap "oh my god, don't apologise."

"B- but I slapped you." I stuttered out, my hand still resting on the soft slope of his face.

"Like I've said, you didn't fucking mean to so you don't need to apologise."

I huffed, pulled my hand away and shuffled into the sofa.

After two minutes of me sulking Mikey walked in asking if we want coffee, we both accepted. As Mikey turned back to the kitchen the dark haired muppet called Pete bounded in and wrapped his arms around Mikey's neck, taking him by surprise.

"Oh my god you fucker." Mikey grumbled.

Pete dragged him back into the kitchen, bickering about how he loved him really.

"Ten bucks they'll fuck in two weeks." I said, mainly to myself.

"Three weeks." Frank replied, confident that my brother would indeed be fucking his best friend in less than a month.


Me and Frank lay on my bed, cuddling slightly, The Nightmare Before Christmas was playing, even though I was adamant it was a Halloween film Frank was convinced it was a Christmas movie. Yeah totally.

Frank's hand had found it's way to my, slightly greasy, black locks and was running his fingers through it gently, making my tics decrease tremendously. I nuzzled subconsciously into his hand slightly and I noticed him smile out of the corner of my eye. I relaxed into his touch my eyes feeling heavy.

When my bleary eyes reopened the room was completely dark, the television had been long switched off. My arm was draped over Frank's strong chest, the comforter pulled haphazardly over the both of us. The light from a nearby lampost fell neatly across Frank's relaxed features, his mouth open slightly, his breathing soft and shallow.

I cuddled up further into the short boy's warm body and yet again swiftly fell into the world of slumber.

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