Danger Lurking

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VINCENT'S POV(their dad)

Today was an exhausting day l had to deal with some idiots who thought it was a great idea to try steal my shipments .l mean l am the Great Mafia Don.How dare they all that time l was dealing with them l could have been with my princess but don't worry they paid the price .Let us just say they will never see the sun again.

Soon enough l arrived home before l could even get inside the mansion l was tackled by my one and only baby girl.The sight of her brought a smile to my face.l quickly peppered her whole face with kisses which earned me her sweet giggles in return.
"Hi daddy l missed you"she said hugging me tightly.
"Awee l missed you more babygirl how was school"
She started rambling in about her her day as l listened to her intently while walking inside.
"Hi dad.How are you"suddenly came the voice of my so called 'son'.Yep were not so sure his my son so am just gonna leave the word son in quotes.
"Shh Lorenzo can't you see your sister's talking don't be rude"l said to which he placed a hand over his heart as he said"Am hurt father dearest"

You know what l can't be dealing with him right now so l ignored him and continued listening to my princess but she said something that made me feel like l just had a heart attack and run-over by ten trucks and shot by a thousand bullets.

"Wait hold up princess isn't Jake a boy name"l asked for once l hoped l was wrong
"No silly daddy Jake said he is not a boy he said he is a man"she said completely oblivious that what she is saying is killing me.
"How old is this so called man"l asked
"He said his six"with those words l started planning a way to get rid of that boy no way is this so called Jake getting near my baby ever again.
"Daddy so will you come to my school ewvent tomorrow and meet Jake"she asked with puppy dog eyes.
I am definitely gonna do more than meet this Jake "Yes babygirl l will and the word is event not ewvent"

I feel so disappointed.What is the point of having a son if they can keep the boys away.l mean the child is six years old just threaten him he goes to cry to his parents and them threaten his parents then boom they leave problem solved.

I went into the living room were Kyden and Lorenzo were and passed them Alessa. l could not even look at them that is how disappointed l felt and went to take a shower and got ready for dinner.

At dinner Alessa spoke about her family event tomorrow and Jake.You could see anger in everyones eye.Let us just say Jake is a not so lucky boy tomorrow.


A scary looking man stood , leaning against his mahogany table holding a glass of whiskey while looking at the view outside his window.His peaceful moment was ruined by a knock on his door to which he barked "come in".A scrawny boy shivering entered the room just as he was about to speak the man abruptly faced the guy and asked him"Did the boy befriend the little girl"

The boy quickly replied saying"Yes".This earned a dark chuckle from the man
Everything is going as planned soon l will have the whole underground world in my control and the DeLucas will know l am not a force to be reckoned with.

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