Avoiding extinction

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Steve POV

"Common ground? What exactly do they want then?" I asked

"Revenge on Stark" Nat replied nonchalantly.

"Why though" Tony whined

"Because... a Stark bomb killed their parents and well-" Madeline replied.

"Good enough reason for you?" Nat interrupted

"Weellll" Tony's voice went up at least 3 octaves when he said that.

"No argument, the fact is they hate you and have now teamed up with your murder bot." Madeline stated 

"Who also hates you" Nat finished

"You two are a right pair aren't you" muttered a sarcastic Tony. He received a slight smile from Nat and the kid, them clearly being purposely oblivious to Tony's sarcasm.

"Ok then, Madeline would you please just fill us in with what you know, everything please." I asked

"Everything?" she raised an eyebrow at this. "Cause you don't want to know everything and I'm also not going to tell you everything but I'll tell you most of the things."

"I only meant on this topic don't worry."

"I know." As she said this she nodded as if to reassure herself slightly. What has happened in that child's life?


After she finished filling us in, I knew that we needed to act fast. We now had a more information on the enhanced and, with the shared hatred of Tony, Ultron could be a formidable threat. 

"This is a really miserable mood we've got here." Tony interjected 

"Well Ultron has completely ruined Pinocchio for me .'I had strings, but now I'm free' I will never be able to watch that film again." I said

"I can see your nose growing, you'll watch it again" Nat said, she knows me to well.

"But it won't be that same."

"Don't whine I'm the man-child here." Tony said. "Your supposed to be a boring responsible grandparent."

He laughed but I just rolled my eyes.

"Guys, since Ulton well, escaped, because he is a mix of Tony and myself he was smart and escaped through the internet"

"So he knows everything. Files, surveillance. He probably knows more about us than we know about each other. " Nat announced

"To be fair if he could find out you favourite colour he would still know something we didn't Nat." Tony said, obviously still trying to lighten the mood. 

"Well what if he goes for something more interesting than her favourite colour."

"Deadly stuff, like nuclear codes." I said

"Why is that even on the internet? Why not on an easily burnable piece of paper." Clint asked

"True, but he did say he wanted us extinct." I said

"Why does he want you lot dead?" Madeline asked

"Extinct not dead"

"Same difference. He wants you to die either way." she shrugged

"Thats true but right now we need to find the twins before Ultron does."

"What if he has already?" Nat asked

"Well, then hopefully we can get them to stay still long enough for them to be convinced." We all nodded, this was going to be interesting. 

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