Chapter 3

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It's been a couple weeks since I came out to Tsukki. If we weren't close before, we definitely got closer after my coming out. Although...that makes me think about coming out to more people. I've been thinking about it lately.

It's a normal Thursday and it's starting to become winter finally. I'm quite fond of winter. I like the pretty snow, the cold weather, and cozy atmosphere, when indoors.

I was getting ready for school, when I got a call out of nowhere. My phone was buzzing like crazy on top of my dresser. I pick it up and gape at the caller name.


I answer it right away, curious at the random call. Tsukki rarely calls people or even text in the early morning. This was definitely odd.

[Tsukki-bold / Yamaguchi-normal]


"Tsukki? What's wrong?! Are you okay? Did something happen?!"

"Oh...I-I just wanted to know what-um-pronouns you are today? Shit. I worded that poorly. Sorry. I just felt like I should start asking you that everyday. Is that okay? Sorry if this is out of the blue."

"Wow. You-the Tsukishima Kei-called me out of the blue in the early morning to ask about my pronouns for today?!!"


"Ahahaha. You are something alright. Well, Tsukki~ I'm feeling I'm feeling non-binary today. So, they/them. If-if you don't mind..."

"Alright, Yamaguchi. I also have a gift for you, so please hurry up. I'm waiting in front of your house."

"Wait-what! Tsukki! It's cold outside, let me open up for you. You might catch a cold!"

"Your mom told me not to come in. Seems she still hates me. That's too bad. I guess I'm too GAY for her liking. Tch-"

"Ah, yeah... well I'll be out in a minute. See ya then. Bye."


I quickly threw on my uniform, tying my hair up in a messy bun. I didn't have time to do my makeup, since I was already struggling to put on all my piercings pieces. I stumbled downstairs bag in hand, and slipped on my pinkish puffy winter coat. I ran out the door once my shoes slipped on, and bento in hand, whilst my bag was slumped over my shoulder.

I see Tsukki standing out on the sidewalk in front of my house. I stumble towards him, disregarding the fact that the ground was icy and slippery. I ended up slipping right as I was two steps away from Tsukki. I closed my eyes, preparing for impact, but I never hit the ground.

I fluttered my eyes open and glimpsed up at Tsukki. He caught me before I fell, his arms wrapped around my waist. His glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose.

"Ah! Sorry Tsukki! You can let go now. I think I'm fine now. Haha."

He let me go as I balanced myself on the icy ground. I look down at my shoes, realizing I had put on my worn out sneakers. No wonder I slipped and fell.

"Watch your step, Yamaguchi. You know running in the snow is a bad idea. There's ice everywhere. I'm not always gonna be there to catch you."

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