Chapter 6

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Monday. I hate Mondays. Well, to be honest I do like Mondays, since I get to see Tsukki again. But...

But now I'm too scared to even show my damn face at school. Or even think about going. Monday is only the first day. Who knows what may happen. Fuck my life.

I groan as I get dressed for school, deciding not to wear makeup today and just going to school looking half dead inside. More like just dead inside. I grab my bag and sigh annoyed at my predicament. I saunter out of my room, down the stairs, and out the door without even grabbing my bento. I'm too anxious for food today.

I have practice this morning and I'm expected to show up, considering I skipped out on Friday afternoon practice and Saturday morning practice. However, would it be so bad to just not show up.....?

I stop mid track and stare at the ground for a moment. I know I shouldn't be wasting more time or I'm going to end up late to school, but I don't want to see people today. I don't feel well. Plus seeing Eto-Senpai will just make me want to die on the spot.

I snap out of my thoughts, when I hear footsteps approach me from behind. I peer over my shoulder, slightly hesitantly, only to find an upset looking Tsukki.

I smile right away, my basic default smile. I didn't even realize he was waiting for me in front of my house. I must've walked past him, completely lost my my own head.

Crap. I'm such a shitty friend. I just walked right past him. I really need to stop being so stuck in my worry wart mind. Shit.


"You really having an off day, huh? Well if you want we could just skip school and hang out. Although....getting to fuck up Eto would be so much more satisfying." Tsukki muttered half heartedly.

"Haha. Don't say that, Tsukki! It's ok. I'm fine, just sleepy. Let's just get to school." I reply sweetly, trying to avoid any mention of Eto-Senpai.

"Hmph. I'm still going to fuck him up. Also...quit trying to pretend like nothing happened. You're going to piss me off." Tsukki snarked back.

"Sorry Tsukki." I mumbled.

"....Can I call you Tadashi today? Or did I get it wrong today....?" Tsukki mumbles out.

"Yeah! You can call me Tadashi today. I'm surprised you even asked me that."

"Well, I just wanted to test if I got a hang of you're different fluctuations in names and gender. That probably sounds dumber than I wanted it to sound." Tsukki stumbled over his words, blushing in embarrassment.

We continue to chat away, mostly me chatting and Tsukki putting in his snarky commentary. We walk all the way to school, and as expected we were late for practice. Although, I opted to go to practice anyway.

I remember I need to drop off some papers to the front office, and tell Tsukki to go on ahead without me. I head the opposite way, skipping happily towards the office. I'm having a nice day so far, Tsukki really cheered me up.

I turn the corner into the office, clashing into a figure. I stumble backwards and rub my face from the impact. I peer up at the figure I ran into, expecting to see an admin, but finding a vile looking Senpai.


"Ah! My bad. I didn't mean to run into you. I'm sorry. I just need to drop something off. Excuse me—" I uttered out.

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