Chapter 13

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"Get up!" A voice shouts at me from above.

I was too out of it to bother listening, so I shrug it off. I suddenly remember the events of yesterday....feeling the instant seething pain on each forearm. I shoot up in one go, sitting up and looking around. I see my father glaring at me as if I was the scum of the earth. I seemed to still be on the kitchen floor, except it was already the next morning.


My first thoughts were about how I'm probably late to school and I'm missing volley practice. I was in such a daze, I only snapped back to reality when my father yelled at me again.

"Tadashi! Get your ass up! We have shit to do!"

"Oh....Yes, sir. I'm up. I'm sorry." I mumble, reluctantly getting up and waiting for some orders.

"Get washed up. You look like a shit show. Then start packing a luggage—cloths, necessities, etc." my father orders firmly, walking away to his room.

"....where are we going?" I question anxiously.

"Auntie Miyu's. You'll be staying there with her and her family until you get back to your senses. She'll help you. She can make you well again. It will only be for a month at max.....that is if your corrupt mind can be cleansed." He explains in a low voice.

"Ah....okay. But what about school? And volleyball? We have matches coming team needs me." I state out nervously.

"Your mother and I already called the school and let them know that you are going to be missing a month of school. We are going to pick up your months's worth of work, before we leave for Auntie's." He elaborates, obviously vexed by me.

I nod quietly, hobbling up the stairs and into my torn up room. I talking, bed shifted, clothes ripped out of my closet, drawers left ajar, books ok the floor—you name it. I sigh to myself, ignoring the mess and shuffling through my stuff. I find my luggage, tossing random pairs of clothes into it and stuffing it full. I leave it open and stuffed on the floor, walking out of my room to grab some toiletries.

I claw through my drawers of makeup and jewelry, deciding against taking any said makeup. I don't feel like causing more trouble. They were okay with makeup, but I guess they just thought it really was a phase. I glare at my repulsive reflection in the mirror, my hair was a mess and my mascara from the night before was smudged entirely. I change out my piercings and brush my hair, trying it up in a ponytail.

I take the toiletry bag I had, packing every necessity up and tossing it in my luggage. I grab my towel and a pair of boxers. I shut my washroom door, turning on the shower and undressing as I wait to it to heat up. I was much too exhausted—emotional, mentally, physically—to even consider washing my hair. I just leave it in it's ponytail state, hopping into my now steamy shower.

What am I going to do? What now? Auntie Miyu is like the most homophobic relative I have. There's no doubt my parents told her the situation. What's gonna happen to me....?

I lean against the back wall, allowing the blazed water hit my back. I lean with my hands extended out, holding my body whilst planted on the wall. All I could think of in that moment is how much I miss Tsukki. It's a random faint thought, but I held onto it as much as I could.

Tsukki..... Tsukki.... Tsukki.....come save me.

I could feel the tears pour over my cheeks, my chest clenched and my breathe hitched. I miss him so much and I just saw him yesterday. I wish I could reverse time and continue laying beside him on his bed. I close my eyes, scrunching my brows as I replay that soft memory. My hands on his face and waist, his hair scenting up my nose with its lemon lavender aroma, and our peaceful atmospheric bliss. I want to see him again.

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