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Hi guys, gals, and my fellow pals. (Hee hee I'm sorry that was cringe). Anyway, I just wanted to let y'all know before my dumbutt forgets. All the art in this book is not mine so if you know the artist please let me know and I will give them credit. I don't want to steal their art, but rather appreciate it. So, all the art is credited to the artists.

Also, please let me know what you think of the story so far. Idk if it's actually good. I'm not the greatest writer, but I enjoy writing. Feel free to critique my work and let me know if their is a grammatical error or spelling errors. Although if it's spelling, that's to be expected since I have trouble spelling. 😅 Grammar is easy to correct, and I'm quite a fan of grammar (yes, I'm a nerd. Haha). I love feedback so please give me as much as possible.

Vote if you want. I'm not gonna ask you to cause it's up to u and I don't really mind either way. Comment though. Seriously I love reading the comments, even if it's random stuff.

Now for a little bit about me.
My pen name is Zeni. My authors name for my books on here is usually just my username 'luckie fysh'. I'm 16. Kinda old I know. Haha.

My favorite foods:
-Pizza. I love pizza. Like a wayyyyy too much.
-Bread. I have a slightly unhealthy relationship with bread. I will eat wayyy too much on a daily basis. I'm trying to cut back. Ahah. 🤧🤚
-Watermelon. My nickname irl is actually Sandía, which is watermelon in Spanish.
-Cucumber. I'm fond of cucumber. And cucumber water. (Yeah that's a thing. Frescas.)
-Mac 'n Cheese. I don't care if it's unhealthy. It's yummy. 😌😤🙄
-Chocolate. Literally anything with chocolate.
I'm actually pretty picky so like these are the main things I eat if I don't make myself something to my liking. I'm allergic to a lot of stuff, so that doesn't help my pickiness.

Favorite movies:
-Spirited Away. The reason I watch anime. I grew up watching that movie and fell in love with anime.
-Weathering With You. I know it's not as good as Your Name. But I really like it. So yeah.
-Ratatouille. A classic. Never gets old. I watch it wayyyy too much.
I like movies a lot. I love Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Marvel movies, and Mission Impossible. I love old movies too. Mary Poppins and Sound of music. (Julie Andrews is a goddess. 😌✨).

Favorite Shows:
-Banana Fish. I like angst shows. And that ripped my heart out and killed me. So yeah. 💕
-Naruto. I'm a basic bitch. I know. But I grew up with this one. I like it a lot. Don't come at me.
-Haikyuu. I like volleyball and anime. So that one is kinda self explanatory.
-The Disastrous life of Saiki k. Comedy and random ass shit. Yessss.
-Ouran High School Host Club. ✨Just yes. ✨
-Friends. Yeah I'm basic. But I enjoy watching it with my friends. And they don't vibe with anime so ya know.
-March Comes in Like a Lion. I relate to Rei a lot. And I love chess. And Shogi is similar. It's pretty noice~

Favorite color:
-Black. Yeah. That's it. Just black. It's not a color, but I like it.
-Gray. It's dark black. So....

Favorite animal:
-Sharks. I love sharks. They are beyond fascinating. I think they are misunderstood.
-Cats. They are adorable. 😤💕
-Dogs. I grew up with six big dogs. How could I not like them.
-Frogs. ✨Cuties✨

Biggest Fears:
-The dark.
-Most bugs.
-Roller coasters.
-Thunder storms.
I'm scared of a lot tbh.

More stuff about me:
I draw, paint, and play the violin. I speak Spanish, English, French, Latin (not really speak but I learned Latin for fun. I'm a nerd) and Mandarin. I love learning languages for fun. I love reading. I read classics, manga, poetry, and plays. I love writing and composing poetry. I'm super shy so I will never show anyone my poems or drawing. I'm a Pisces. [update] I consider myself pan now, demisexual, and gender fluid. They/Them. This story is kinda just me projecting onto Yamaguchi being bi and gender fluid. Hee hee. I listen to rock, metal, lo-fi, Alternative, and oldies.

Here's my insta if ya wanna be friend or some shit. I'm bad at socializing and don't post anything. So yeah. Idk. (Ignore this if ya want.)


Anyways sorry for boring y'all about me. Hope ya continue reading my writing. :)

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