Chapter 5

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"H-hey, Suga. S-so this isn't a b-big deal. S-sorry for w-worrying you g-guys. Heheh."

I stutter out, knowing I did not sound one bit convincing, but still trying to stop Suga from worrying. It's not that big of a deal anyway. So what? I got the shit beat out of me and well sexually harrassed, but I'm fine.

Yeah. I'm fine. Just fine. Peachy. Never been better. Haha. I'm fine....

Suga marched over to me with an angered expression. I flinched as he got closer, shutting my eyes as he hugged me tightly. I started to tremble involuntarily and tried to calm myself, but to no avail.

"Tanaka, Noya...go back to the gym. I'll stay with Yams. Tell couch and Daichi that I'm tending to Yams. Okay?" Suga stated seriously.

"Okay!" Tanaka and Noya replied, walking out of the room and shutting the door behind them.

Suga let me free from his embrace, pulling over a chair for him to sit directly in front of me. I looked everywhere, but him, too anxious to speak. I flinched as Suga cupped my hands and rubbed his thumb tenderly on the palms.


"Yamaguchi, what happened? I'm not gonna take your light excuses like Tanaka did. I want really answers. And I expect you to understand that I am only doing this, so we can prevent anything worse from happening." Suga spoke firmly.

"O-okay. A-an upperclassman attacked me. H-he usually just picks on m-me. Tsukki is around to defend me, but today was different. Since Tsukki is sick, I guess he took it too far..."

I slumped me head down, and stared at my hands. I felt tears well up in my eyes from the flashing memories of what had happened to me. I feel weak. Weaker that anything.


"Yes, Yamaguchi?"

"The upperclassman. H-he didn't just attack me..." I whispered out.

I felt my stomach twist in disgust and horror. I wanna throw up. I want to run away. I don't want to tell Suga what happened and why. It's too much, but I know I have to or else nothing will change. I have to trust him.

Suga frowned immediately after hearing those words. He took a deep breath before talking.

"Yams, you can tell me anything. I will listen without judgment. I just want to help."


"Okay. Can you tell me what really happened?"

"....Eto-Senpai. He took me to the back of the school and confronted me about 'what' I am. An-and the truth is I'm actually not a boy. I-Im gender fluid... I'm sorry."

I felt myself break down in sobs, before pulling myself together in order to continue explaining.

"Oh. Yamaguchi. I doesn't matter if you are a girl, boy, or any other gender. You are still the same amazing person. Now that I know. Can you tell me your pronouns? It must've been hard with us calling you the wrong pronouns. I'm sorry for that." Suga replied lovingly, rubbing my tears away.

"They/them. Well most of the time. I-I'll tell you, when it changes. You and Tsukki are the only ones that know. So please don't tell anyone else."

"I wouldn't even think of it. It's not my right or anyone else's to tell anyone. Going back to the incident. Did Eto hurt you because of who you are? And...what else did he do? I want to know so I know how gruesomely I should make his death." Suga answered darkly.

"Ah, y-yeah. He didn't like how I wasn't a guy, or that I like guys and girls. B-but what confused me is that he forced himself on me even after saying he was disgusted by me. H-he kissed me an-and pulled down my pants to see what I was."

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