Chapter 19

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"Yamaguchi! Yamaguchi! YAMAGUCHI!"

I flinch awake, sitting up instantly and looking around perplexed. A blond floof caught my attention, making me tilt my head until my eyes adjusted. I find myself gazing into a pair of familiar hazel eyes. I blush automatically.

"What....?" I yawn out.

"Morning, gorgeous~" A familiar voice greets me teasingly.

"Tsukki...? Wait—TSUKKI!! Shit—hi! Good morning!!" I sputter as I come to my senses.

"Ready to be kidnapped by yours truly??" Tsukki adds smoothly, pulling me into a sweet long-felt embrace.

"Asshole...." I mumble into the crook of his neck.

"Is that a no?" Tsukki teases yet again, getting a jab in return.

"Kidnap me anytime, bitch!" I retort, earning a soft chuckle from my boyfriend.

"You know you love me."

"Of course I do, Tsukki. I do love you! Saltiness and all." I giggle as I earn an exaggerated gasp from Tsukki.

"I know I'm an asshole...but no need to rub salt in the wound. Anyways...with the antics aside...shall we?" Tsukki mumbles, pulling away and nudging me out of bed.

I nod and slide out of bed, holding his hand tightly. He hands me a bento and a backpack. I look up at him puzzled by the items. He rolls his eyes before explaining.

"That's your breakfast, since I insisted I would prepare everything for our rescue mission home. And the backpack is for any items or clothing you want to bring along. Akaashi said the clothes you've been using is all yours to take." Tsukki explains tenderly, kissing my hand forehead afterwards.

"Ah....okay." I reply, leaning into his warmth for a bit.

I end up packing up some clothing and my toiletries. Akaashi popped in the room to check up on me and to let us know our train was due to depart soon. He also let us know the rest of the crew was going to meet us at the station to bid us goodbye.

Once we make it to the station, we were greeted by a sleepy, docile Bokuto, an overly hyper Kuroo, and a sleep deprived Kenma. They all gave me a tight hug and whispered a few words or encouragement, as well as a goodbye. Even though it was barely 7:00 in the morning, I feel more awake than ever.

I'm happy.

Tsukki took my hand in his, interlocking out fingers and tugging me along. As we go on the train, I couldn't help, but peer back at the crew and wave one last time.

I hope to see them soon again. And to thank them all properly for all they've done for me these past weeks. Thank you to Kenma for cheering me up with late night gaming, when I couldn't be bothered to sleep. Thank you to Kuroo for being a shoulder to lean on, when I seriously felt like ending it all. Thank you to Bokuto for his endless jokes, when I was clearly in need or some laughing. And last, but certainly not least.... Thank you Akaashi for being a solid rock for me to feel stable upon, especially when dealing with my bullshit, constant outbursts, and spontaneous crying.

I sigh to myself, grinning like an idiot as I lean my head on Tsukki's shoulder. He peered down at me and gave me a funny look. I snickered at his reaction and just snuggled more into his warmth.

"What're you grinning about?" Tsukki questions slightly concerned.

"Oh nothing in particular.... I'm just happy." I respond blithely.

"Hmm? That's good. You deserve to be happy. By the're enby today, right?" Tsukki quietly asks, as if worried he might be wrong.

"Yessir! Although...I feel like I'm totally cool with being referred by they/them most of the time. Still whenever I'm fem or masc—" I reply gleefully, blushing at how well he knows me, but being cut off.

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