Chapter 17

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We left the cafe not long ago, and we are heading over to Akaashi's place again. Kuroo had called a few minutes ago, letting Tsukki know that the last trains would be leaving in about an hour or so. I haven't even thought about that yet.....

What happens when Tsukki leaves? What will I do? Where will I go? Do I go with him? What parents? What then?

It's all so frustrating....and upsetting. I just want to be happy, is that really so much to ask?! I just to have that moment with Tsukki—the one from my dream. I could die young....and get taken away by my parents, so long as I have the special moment with him. That's all I wish for. I know being with him is just a pocket dream....

"Tsukki....." I whisper with a trembling voice.

"What's wrong, Yams?" Tsukki peers down at me.

"...what now...?" I ask in an airy, vague sense, squeezing his hand in my hand.

"What do you mean?" Tsukki questions in a clearly puzzled tone, stopping in place from our little stroll.

"Like...what now? What do I do now? I've ran away for now.... But....but that doesn't mean I'm free. Where will I go? What about school? What about....what What now?!" I plea, desperately looking for an answer to all my worries.

"I....I...I haven't planned that far ahead..." Tsukki replies honestly, averting his eyes in guilt.

"I can't stay with Akaashi forever—even if his parents don't mind. I need a real home. Plus school! You know me by now.... I work so hard at school, just in hopes of getting into the same university as you—and being as far away from my parents as possible. I can't....I can't just throw all that away... I've already missed so much... All my friends...the team......and you." I rant anxiously and stare straight into Tsukki's eyes with a desperate expression.

"Stay with me.... Come live with me. I have a spare room...since Akiteru finally moved out, while you were gone. My mom wouldn't mind at all. Plus school is still possible—even volleyball. And we can be together. Please....please! Live with me!" Tsukki suggests with a firm tone, wavering at the end with a more begging tone.

I looked up at him, reading his expression. He was being serious—beyond serious. In fact, this is the only time he's ever begged for something. Him begging me to live with him. That's....

What about mom and dad? And don't forget Auntie Miyu. What then?

"What about my parents? They won't just let me live with you—no less with my boyfriend. They will do anything to get me back in their grasps. What are we gonna do then?" I add, my anxiety bubbling up into borderline panic mode.

"We fight them! I won't let them take you away—not again. Not ever! They will have to go through me to get to you. And even then, I'm not going down without a fight. You can get emancipation from them. You're old enough and smart enough. Take them to court. I'll help you! I promise." Tsukki reasons stubbornly.

".....I've never seen you act so serious about something...not to mention the cliche talk. Where's the real Tsukki and what have you done with him? Haha... No matter what people're the sweetest person...the whole 'salty charade' is just a front." I tease in a quiet voice, smiling sweetly up at Tsukki and softening his stern expression in the process.

Tch- "Shut up! You're the sweet one. Don't expose me like that.... I wasn't being cliche!" Tsukki counters poorly, too embarrassed to even look at me properly.

"Hah! Are you embarrassed?" I tease further, snickering softly.

We continue on our stroll, hand in hand, approaching closer and closer to our final destination...

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