15. eternity

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willie's pov
i was skating in a new skate park close to that bike shack, that used to be reggie's house.
then suddenly i saw my favorite band.
alex, luke, but no reggie. weird.

"hey guys. where's reggie?"
"he needed a talk with julie, something happend to my sister while she was at this beach, and now she can't see reggie anymore."

"wait what? aren't they like best friends?" willie was kinda shocked. he didn't know this could happen to ghost. well i guess that goes well with the idea of the three sunset curve members becoming visible for everyone when they play with julie.

"yeah. he's devastated. they were best friends since they were kids. altough we never knew she was related to luke.. they were still friends, when they met in that playground." alex explained.
"so what did exactly happen to luna?"

"so, luna was on this beach. but she was in some kind of trance. she relived OUR memories of us in 1995 when we were eatijg the street dogs and stuff. but we know she wasn't there, cause at that time i didn't know i had a sister. so we didn't know where she was. we searched everywhere for her. nothing. until we came to this beach. we saw her shivering. she was confused and sick. but we thought ghost couldn't get sick cause we are dead. you know? but when we entered the studio she collapsed and when she woke up she couldn't see reggie anymore. my hands fell right trough her and julie's didn't. julie things she's slowly becoming human again. what do you think willie?" luke finally finished his story and he made sure not to leave out any important details.

"i might know what's wrong with her. but you guys aren't going to like it."

cliffhanger. again. y'all said i needed to update to here is a short chapter but i promise i'll uodate as much as possible. oh and don't forget to check out my book from julie and luke's daughter emily in "perfect harmony"

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