6. where are you? pt.2

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NarjissBennani came up with a good idea, when luke was scared about the crossover. thank you so much for your idea!!

julie's pov
i don't know what's up with luke lately. he's sleeping and resting all the time. like he doesn't have enough power to do things. he didn't even touch his guitar, for 4 days. luke makes music everyday.
i make a sandwich and bring it to the studio. i see luke sitting with his guitar and notebook. he doesn't play. but it's a start. 
"here, i made you a sandwich." i hand over the sandwich with peanut butter, but he refuses.
"no thanks i'm good. "  okay this is getting weird. luke can eat i saw him eating a week ago. so there is something wrong. i can feel it.
"okay what's wrong?"
"nothing." he's a bad liar.
"you're a bad liar." he looks up. he cries.
"luke, you can tell me everything. you know that." he nods
"okay. i feel weak. i sleep as much as i can but it doesn't help." he cries even more.
"when was the last time you ate something?" i was concerned. what if he hasn't been eating?
he stays quiet.
"luke! when was the last time you ate something?" i asked again. i scared him. it looked like he was made of glass, like he could break anytime soon.
"y-yester-d-day." another lie.
"luke stop lying to me, you can tell me anything. i wont tell anybody." he nods. "okay, 1 and a half week ago."
"omg, luke are you okay. please eat something." i was crying too.
"sorry, i can't. i'm too scared."
"scared for what?"
"to crossover."
"hey it's going to be okay." i tried to calm him down. but it didn't work.
"thanks julie. just remember that i think you're special and that i love you." and with those words. he poofs out.
"where did he go?"
"aaaaaah dude! you scared the hell out of me!"
"sorry. but where did luke go." reggie looked concerned.
"i don't know. let's go look for him."
reggie nods and poofs out. he poofs back. "i guess we have to find luke ourselfs. can't find alex."
"what the hell. let's go before you dissapear aswell. he nods.
"i'll check luke's house."
"okay i'll check the ghost club." reggie said.
"cool. we meet here again at 3."
"cool. see ya." he poofs out. i take my jacket. "luke's house here i come."

luke's pov
i went to my house. to take a look in my room. everything was still the same. i sit on my bed and i lie down. i drifted off to sleep.

julie's pov
i ring the doorbel and emily answered the door. "hi julie, nice to see you again."
"hi emily. remember when i told you i could see luke and the band?"
"yes and that's wonderful. how is he doing?" i don't want to lie to her.
"lately not so good. he hasn't been eating. and he's been stressing about the crossover. after he told me, he poofed out and we don't know where he is. so could i check the house with you?" she let me in and nods.
"his room is down the hall right. if you need anything just ask."
"thanks. i will." i started walking to his room. his room is messy. typical luke. i hear a cough. i look under his bed and yep. there he is. "luke, please talk to me. i know you are having a hard time right now. but we can get trough it. i promise. so please." he coughed again.  "julie, i don't feel good."
"okay let's meet up in the studio so we can talk about this."
"no i can't." he coughs again.
"i needed a good place to think and silence. my parents are always quiet and-" he coughed again. that's it.
"emily! mitch he's in here."
luke's parents run to his room and kneeled down with me.
"m-mom, da-" he coughed again.
"we have to get him to the hospital."
they nod and they grab luke his legs and i grab his arms. when he was out of the bed, his face was more white than a piece of paper.
"i'll call an ambulance." mitch rushed to the phone. i noticed his t-shirt was too big. so i take his shirt and pull it up a bit. i was shocked. he lost so much weight, cause of not eating.
"mitch! say that they have to be here fast!" luke coughed and started to cry. i can't imagine what kind of pain he's having right now.
"luke it's going to be okay. i'm here."
he smiled lightly.

764 words. what do you think will happen to luke? and why didn't reggie come to luke's house since he wasn't at the ghost club? next chapter will be online soon!! ALSO I HAVE 4K READS ON THIS STORY!! THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH!!

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