1. i wish i could play for her

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los angeles, june 1st 2020

julie's pov
finally summer. i can't wait to go to my mom's old studio to write songs with the band again. as i'm having that thought, i see luke with his guitar playing the song he made for his mom.
i walk over to him.
"hey luke." he stops playing looking pretty sad.
"hey you okay?" he looks me in the eyes and i see a tear rolling down his cheeck.
"luke you know you can talk to me right?"
he finally answers me. "yeah i know. i just wish. i wish that i could play for my mom and that she can actually see me. knowing that i'm okay." wow. that got me thinking. i take a deep breath and think.
i stand up. "i have an idea!" i grab his hand, atleast i try. and it worked?
"wow, you can actually take my hand?" he said suprised. "believe me, i'm as suprised as you are.. let's go to my mom's studio to talk about the idea i have." i say and suddenly everything went white. like i got struck by lightning. 5 seconds later i'm in my mom's studio.
"wow" alex and reggie say.
"julie.. you just teleported. hand in hand with luke." alex said. i look an my hand and let go of his hand and scratch the back of my head.
"omg i totally ship you two!" reggie shouted.
"yeah me too, but luke. how did you teleport julie with you?" alex asks again.
"i dont know man. it just happend. but i dont have time for this. julie what is your big plan?" luke was so desperate to play for his parents again. and i get it. if i had the chance to play for my mom, i would do it too.
"w-what plan?"
"oh julie has an idea so i can play for my parents again and so my mom can see me again." luke started to tear up.
"hey man its going to be okay." alex said and he hugged luke.
"okay so let's get your instruments outside and i will invite luke's parents in my mom's studio."
"you really want to do that for me?" luke was crying with a big smile.
"yes. ofcourse. if i had a chance to play for my mom i would do that too." i said and hugged luke.

398 words. next chapter will be online soon. omg i am so obsessed with this series. i ship juke so so much. what do you think will happen to luke's parents when they see him playing? found out in chapter 2.

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