5. i don't want to cross over

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luke's pov
i lay down at my couch and sigh. i don't really feel like crossing over. i mean, we can't be destroyed by those jolts anymore, and caleb. well i don't know what happend to him. alex told me that willie hadn't seen him since our performence at the orpheum. i close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

alex' pov
luke looked pretty down lately. i entered the studio and saw him sleeping. you could tell he had been crying for a long time. he kinda looked depressed? but what about? he's going to hate me forever if i wake him up. i hesitate. but i wake him up.
"hey luke." no reaction
"luke!" still no reaction.
i try to shake him so he wakes up, but my hands go trough his shoulders.
"what the heck?"
julie entered the studio.
"alex what's wrong?"
"it's luke. i tried to wake him up but when i tried to shake him awake, my handswent trough his shoulders." i did it again so julie could see what i meant.
"what the heck? wait let me try." julie placed both her hands on his shoulders and waked up luke.
"how is this possible?" i was so confused, a few weeks earlier it was the opposite.
"what is possible?" luke said. you could tell he was having a hard time.
"it's okay luke, don't worry." julie calmed luke down a bit. he lay down again and drifted off to sleep.
"w-wait. julie if you can touch luke and i can't does that mean you're dead too? or does it mean that luke got a second change to live his normal life?"
"i- i don't know. we should ask willie. he knows a lot about this stuff right?" julie's right. willie does know everything about ghosts. i also haven't seen willie in a while. since our performance in the orpheum. that was 2 months ago. so i'm excited to see him again.

willie's pov
i was skating at the walk of fame. seeing the same people almost everyday. but not the one i want to see. i skate back to the hollywood ghost club, caleb is gone. so i can do whatever i want there.

julie's pov
alex and i are walking on the walk of fame.
"so what's up with luke?" alex sighed.
"honestly i don't know. when i entered the studio, he was sleeping and his eyes were all red and puffy from crying." that shook me. i know that luke and reggie say that alex is the emotional one, but i think luke is.
"i just really hope it isn't a depression." that made me worried.
"alex you meet up with willie and bring him to the studio. i'm too worried about luke to leave him alone.
alex nodded and walked further. i ran home.

luke's pov
i grab my guitar and my journal.
i get a flashback from 1995 when we ate hotdogs, then when we were in the ambulance, the dark room, when we 'haunted' julie, when we played with her forcthe first time, when we baled on her,our first gig, our first problem, writing songs, almost being destroyed by caleb's jolts, the orpheum, getting to feel julie, being free from those jolts... the flashback ended. i stood up and i try to poof out, but it doesn't work. i try again and it works but slowly. am i still a ghost? or am i turning into human again?

581 words. i'll try to update everyday but i have school and my sports too. so i'll update whenever i can. if you want you can leave a suggestion and i'll try to put it in the story..ALSO 3K READS IN 5 DAYS LIKE WTH?? THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!! i'm also maming a video with all the memories that luke had as a flashback and i'm uploading it here. so you can see and cry hehe. see ya xx

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