3. i'm okay mom - luke

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luke's pov
i hugged my mom and then i felt something. something that made me stronger. just like after we played at the orpheum and julie hugged me.
i feel. alive again.
"luke. w-what is happening?" my mom sobs.
"mom, it's okay. i'm okay mom." i say and rush over to the band. we all hug and dance around. until julie's dad came in the studio.
"aah julie, nice to finally get to know and see someone of your band!" w-what is he talking about? i'm a ghost. how can he see me too.  we're not even playing.
"how is this possible? i am so confused." julie said.
"what do you mean julie? they were holograms whenever you played." her dad said.
"yea i know, but eum- we were testing if the machine still works, but i doesn't so i called luke to come over here and rehears, alex and reggie couldn't come." that was smart of julie to be honest.
"dad, can you leave us alone for a minute?" julie's dad left. leaving me, julie, my mom, my dad, reggie and alex.
"mom you might wanna sit down for this story." i spoke. my parents didn't know what to think. well i don't blame them. their 17 year old son who died of food poissoning, then after 25 years we're suddenly back?

"we started rehearsing for our show that night. so 2 hours before we would play at the orpheum, we ate some hotdogs, but they were rotten. alex kinda tried to warn us, but we didn't really listen. so we continued eating, until our stomachs were hurting alot. someone called an ambulance, but we didn't make it. 25 years later julie starts to play our demo cd. we came back as ghosts and only julie could see us. everyone could hear us play, but when we were playing with julie, everyone could see us. so julie obviously couldn't tell anyone except her best friend that we were ghosts, so she told we were holograms. then some stuff happend between that, but i'll get to that later. after we actually played at the orpheum, julie could touch me. we all had a band hug and we were healed. then a month or two after that, she could touch me again. now i hugged you guys and for some reason, julie's dad, and you guys can see me. so i think that i'm alive again?" my dad didn't say anything. my mom stood up and hugged me.
"mom, you had my song about you. i'm so sorry. i'm glad everything is okay now." my mom didn't say anything.
"it might be kinda weird that i'm atill 17, right?"
"yes, luke. it's weird that you're still 17, after 25 years." my mom smiled a bit. i haven't seen that smile for a while.
"i guess we have a lot of birthdays to carh up for." my dad spoke.
"not really, i was there with my last birthday. i was the one who directly blew out the candle. remember?"
"i knew it was you. i could feel how close you were. i felt hopefull again." we all hugged tied. i cry. not just 1 tear. alot of tears.
"i guess that we do have other unfinished businesses. mine was making it up to my family." i chuckle and hug them again.

555 words. also sorry that i made you guys cry in my previous chapters. and this chalter oop- this chapter was mostly about luke cause. as you can tell at the end, he did his unfinished business. next chapters will mostly be about alex and reggie and their unfinished business. so keep tuned for chapter 4. ALSO THANK YOU FOR 600 READS IN 3 DAYS!!!

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