10. glad to be back again.

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luna's pov
today is the day luke brings me to our parents' home. i'm excited but scared to meet them.
since julie explined what the glow was i now know i have a second chance to live. i'm 14. tomorrow is my 15th birthday. i finally age again. never been so happy in my life. we walk to the door and i rang the bell.
an older man opens.
"hi can i hel-" he stops when he sees luke.
"lu-uke? you died 25 years ago? how is  this possible?" our dad says.
"i was brought back to life by julie. remember the girl who cane here a week after my birthday?"
"oh yea i remember. emily! come here you won't believe who is at the door! please come in." we enter the house.
"and who is the girl you brought?" he asks.
"i'm luna. i was adopted by 2 nice people after you know-" he gasps. he gives us both a hug. man i missed this.
"you called me? i was in the garden" she gasps as she sees luke. she pulls him in a tied hug. we all hug.
"glad to be back again." i say.
"my two babies are alive again. luna. i'm so sorry that we gave you up for adoption. i hope we can do stuff and be the family we never got to be."
"i love that idea." we hug again.

julie's pov
i saw the siblings walking to the garage.
"hey guys. where have you been?"
"we went to see our parents. they were happy to see us again. we also said that if we aren't home for the weekend we're with you." luna looked at luke. i could tell she really missed him, even though she didn't know him that long.
"julie can i talk to you for a second?"
i nod.
"so what's up with the hot blonde guy? he seems anxious all the time."
"yea he can't handle much- did you just say he's hot?" i couldn't believe my eyes. luna likes alex. i know he's gay, but they might be a cute couple. maybe if alex knows there are so many sexualities, he might like girls and guys.
"yea i did. do you think he has a girlfriend?"
"i don't think so. he's gay."
"oh. why do the cutest always need to be or gay or taken. i guess i can't do anything else but support him."
"he would like that. and are you talking to luke about this? i mean he is your older brother and alex' best friend."
"jules. are you nuts? if my brother knows i like one of his best friends, he would never stop watching me. even if i were alone with alex he wouldn't leave me alone. i just know he's that type of person."
"just talk about it when you're ready."
she nods and we walk back into the garage.

luna's pov
"who's ready to rock?!" julie screams.
"hey luna, everything okay." i look a little sadish and he's already taking care of me. it's sweet but if he does this for every small thing- what am i thinking? luke is just happy to know he has a sister.
"not really. you see-" i look at my shoes.
"-i was talking with julie and i said that i like alex." he was shocked.
"you see that was exactly my reaction when i found out he's gay. no offense to gay people btw." luke started laughing.
"luke, i'm serious. please be the brother i ever dreamt of and listen to me. please?" he then realised i was serious.
"you might not like me after this but i'm sorry." i was confused when he walked away like that until i realised he was walking and talking to alex. i stood there in complete shock and ran off.

643 words. sorry it took me almost 25 years but i've been striggeling with holding my balance so i needed to find it back. i'll update once a week, atleast i'll try. thank you so much for 15k reads!!! i never thought people actually like this story.. so thank you!!

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