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Some people never understand the pain that you go through. 

emotional or physical, it all can be hidden. 

Living in the exact same apartment as the person that I'm insanely in love with is agonizing. Cruel even thinking about it.  

Sure, he truly doesn't know about my love for him and I may just keep it that way. 

Tossing the final box into the pile I turn and I look towards the door. Lindsay's room is right next to mine. That's extremely nerve-racking. 

Being near him is nerve-racking.

Although we spent a fair bit of time together growing up back in New York. Seeing how we were in the same grade and all. Our parents always made us study together. That's probably how I'm able to hide my true feeling for him from everyone.

We also took turns coaching Noami through middle school. Without us, she would have failed and it showed when she got to the tenth grade and failed the grade. 

But now Lindsay and I live in the same apartment and are going to be going to the same university. San Diego Isn't that big compared to New York but it's no wonder we got into the same college when we both were applying in San Diego. 

Truly, what pains me is that I can honestly say I don't know if Lindsay likes me back or not. He's a hard person to read. It was the tenth grade when I made myself aware of my crush on Lindsay. Which grew and grew to me loving him. 

He's kind and loving, he never yells or gets angry. Plus he's really funny and always makes me laugh when I'm down.

 It's going to be hard. Especially because I know he'll be that guy on campus who gets all the girls. I know he will. Lindsay is too attractive to not attract girl's attention, girls were practically drooling over him in high school. 

That being said, it's kinda good that Naomi won't be starting university for two years. I mean don't get me wrong, I love my best friend but she can be a little much sometimes. Plus I'm sure Lindsay will be glad to get away from his sister. 

Most people back in New York didn't even know they were related. Some thought they were hooking up, which would be disgusting to do seeing how they are siblings. But some people are just kind of an airhead. 

Kicking the boxes off to the side of my new room I spin around before smiling. My own place, finally.  I've longed to be out of New York City. Sure, San Diego isn't where I wanted to end up but it's a start. 

Hearing a light knock on my bedroom door. "I've ordered pizza!" Lindsay calls out from the other side of the door. I listen for his retreating footsteps. 

Him being here is something I  don't think I'll ever get used to him being here. I also don't think my mind will be able to hand it whenever he starts sleeping with other girls. Because that would destroy me. 

hmm, I wonder what kind of pizza he ordered. "Okay, I'll be right out!" I call back before grabbing some more empty boxes from the corner and tossing them in the pile. I'll stack them all nicely tomorrow when I take them to the trash. 

Today, I'm exhausted. 

Yesterday morning is when both my parents and also Lindsay's parents decided to leave. Both of our parents came down with us to get sorted out. It's kinda sad that Naomi didn't come down, but she is starting school.

Hearing the front door to the apartment close, I grab my phone and leave my room. Met with the amazing smell of pizza, man I love pizza.

Nearing the end of the hall I see Lindsay standing in the kitchen. There are two plain white boxes stacked on the counter with a bottle of Pepsi next to the stack. I'm starving so he better order a good kind of pizza. 

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