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George woke up in Dream's arms. He knew he had to of gotten only about two hours of sleep considering the moon still shined brightly on the castle. 

George unwrapped himself from his lovers grasp, and made his way to the balcony. His mind was racing.

George thought about what Karl said to him when they were in the arena.

"George I have never actually seen someone with these powers in person, but I have reason to believe you are some form of a telekinetic."

"What does that mean?"

"Well, basically your mind holds your power. Whatever you think, you have the ability to act on it." Karl placed a vase on the table in front of George, "Move it." 

"I don't know how I-"

"Think about it, feel your mind moving it. Focus, George."

George focused on the vase, he really did. But even with all his effort, the vase didn't budge. 

George spent most of the night trying to move the vase until Karl made him give it a rest for the night.

George sighed, he wanted to learn more about his powers. He felt disconnect with himself, like he was missing apart of him his whole life. George wanted to reach his full potential. 

"Sometimes I wonder how you function considering you get little to no sleep." A familiar voice said sarcastically. 

George kept his gaze to the stars, "I wish things were easier." Phil sighed, "I know son, I wish they were too but only hard things happen to strong people. You will come out of all this soon George, just believe."

Phil always told George to believe growing up. It was like his thing, to always make sure George had the confidence that he could do whatever he put his mind to. 

George looked at his father, "Are you at peace father?" 

Phil smiled, "I mean yeah it is pretty epic being able to just appear and disappear."

George half smiled, he didn't want to hear those words, even if they were meant to make him happy. Instead, he just wanted his father alive, breathing. Phil didn't deserve any of this.

"But are you at peace?" George repeated. Phil looked George with eyebrows slightly furrowed, "I don't know, George."

George felt angry. This was all Schlatt's fault. Everything bad that ever happened is his life was only because of Schlatt's actions. 

George wanted Schlatt's blood.

Phil seemed to notice George's sudden seriousness and placed a hand on his shoulder, "I know I can't tell you what to do but what I will say is don't lose yourself George. Don't stoop down to Schlatt's level, you are better than that."

George hesitantly nodded at his father's words and felt as the hand placed on his shoulder disappeared.

And then even though Phil told George he never was, George felt all alone. 


By the time Dream woke up George was already out of his grasp. Dream missed George's touch. Dream looked out the window from bed, the sun was almost fully risen.

Dream sat up in George's bed and scanned the room for the brown haired boy. When he didn't find him he walked out to the balcony and was surprised when it was empty. 

Dream felt a sudden panic arise in his chest and he quickly walked back into the room and shouted, "George?!"

Dream waited for an answer but didn't receive one. Then, Dream saw George's bathroom door shut so he knocked and then walked in. 

Endless Possibilities (dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now