School + Alex's House

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Today was January 15 . The day after Elise's birthday . I check my phone , get dressed , eat a bearpaw breakfast , and head out the door . School 1st , 2nd , and 3rd period was a series of note passing with Alex , and 2nd period with Summer . We talked about both of their crushes . Summer doesn't have a boyfriend anymore . He broke up with her a few weeks back . Anyways , I bring my phone to class , so I got a text from Melody ( she made a group chat with the four of us ) saying there was a party at Kayla Karla's house tomorrow . She said we should come . Just the four of us and my boyfriend . She said that the rest of them would hook up because tbh they're REALLY really pretty . I saw summer text back [ im coming ] and alex said [ sure i gotta sneak out though ] . What I said was [ ill bring Noah , text you tomorrow , gonna spend time with cutie ] and I left the group chat . So did the rest of them . Well , at lunch , we left to go to Tim's . We bought lunches there .
" So , I gotta pick out an outfit " alex says .
" Yeah , same " I say .
" I already have mine picked out " said Summer .
" Already ? " Alex says .
" Summer always has an extra outfit " I say .
" Yeah " summer says .
I take a sip of my hot cocoa , and summer says something I had to laugh about , spitting hot chocolate on Alex's face . Thankfully it wasn't hot , but warm .
" Oh my fucking God " she laughs .
We all laugh , and it was 12:15pm so we started heading back since 4th period started at 12:27pm . The rest of the school day went by , and we all headed to Alex's house , which wasn't that far away but she drove us there .
" Woah " I say as we enter her bedroom . " You've changed up things here " .
" Yeah , I have " she says .
" It was all pink , now it's a lavender colour " melody says .
" I remember you wrote on your wall in grade 5 and it had to be painted over " summer says .
" Yeah , well I thought it was okay back then " she laughs .
Alex's chocolate brown hair and creamy blue eyes glittered at me . Her skin was the same tanned skin from years before . Melody and Summer both had green eyes , but melody has tanned skin and summer is very pale . I was 5'4 , melody 5'5 and Alex 5'5 , and summer 5'4 1/2 . We weren't much taller than each other , which made it perfect . I was amazed at how similar Alex looks from years before .
Never mind that , but we talked about how this boy was cute or that boy was , and we put on some chill music . Birdy - Shelter was playing , one of my favourites . I have many favourites , but they're not as good as this song . I just hummed and we were all on our phones , texting people , posting a pic on insta #reunited , and i was writing in my Diary app . Everything was going good , I felt the forgiveness of things start to whither up and blossom . I texted Noah .
me ; [ im gonna sleep over at Alex's ]
cutie😍💕; [ kk babe , watching Elise for you , she clonked out on the couch . see you tomorrow xoxo ]
me ; [ see you tomorrow babe ]

Late Night TextsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon