Watching Elise

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[ authors note ; i haven't been putting Noah's POV lately . here's one with him , I'll be adding more with him from now on ]


Noah's POV

I've been watching Elise all night . She fell asleep on the couch . Anyways , I just replied to the text Kate sent me . I want to spend more time with her , but since I still have the flu in my system I can't . That's why she's been with her friends , and why she's sleeping over . Elise is staying here because she's still too young to go to sleepovers . I'm tired as fuck and I want to go to bed . I turn the TV off , carrying Elise to her bed . All of their belongings from the other house that they used to live in are either downstairs or upstairs in the closet . I pus her down , kissing her forehead . Elise is like a daughter to me . I want to have a kid of my own someday with Kate . She's still 17 but I want to get engaged soon , then married a few months later . We've been dating for 5 months . When we date for over a year , that's when I'll propose . It's the right time . Anyways , I think of all the things Kate and I could do ....

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