It Was A Dream .. Or Not ?

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WARNING - sexual content is in this chapter . I recommend reading this if you are over 16 or 18 if not mature enough .


chapter by brbblur . credit to my friend for the chapter idea . will have a collab soon enough maybe with Aprilfever .


ATTENTION : I'm making a comedy chapter when I reach chapter 9 .

rereading what I have to do - make a comedy chapter that will be published here . it can be anything from nonsense with Noah and Kate , to their parents finding them naked in Kate's room . ANYTHING .


Anyways , ENJOY !


For the rest of the day , I thought of nothing but him . The boy with the cute smile and blonde hair . Although he looked and acted like a normal boy , im sure he wasn't . But I would take the chance in trying to date him . I knew exactly he was the boy I would date the day I saw him . I never noticed him at school before . Maybe because I was the nerdy girl . Whatever ...

My dream was all weird . Actually I liked it . This is how my dream went :

I was sitting on my bed watching Bethany Mota and PewDiePie on YouTube , like every Friday night after I finish homework . I usually get straight A's , so this was super easy homwork . Noah called me to come over . Well actually he sent a text . I replied with ' I'll be over in 5 minutes , see you ! ' . I walked to his house , and surprisingly it was pretty close . The street was dark because it was 9:14 already . The bright moonlight lit my way to his house . I knocked on the door and found him standing there . He asked if I wanted to watch a movie , because his parents weren't home and I thought that was a good idea . He decided we should watch a horror movie , since he loves those . We walked downstairs, and sat down and he hit play . I cuddled against him and he got really horny so he took off my shirt , and next , he unbuttoned my jean shorts . I'm a virgin . Why am I doing this . I never have had sex before , neither even touched myself down there . No no no no .... this isn't right . We started making out and I took off his pants ( he wasn't wearing a shirt so I didn't have to take it off ) . He asked if I could give him a blowjob , and I just sat there for a while . I answered with ' I've never even had sex before . I'm a Virgin ' . He just said " come on Kate , it'll be fine . I'll go slow on you " . I then looked at his dick , and I gave him a blowjob . He moaned and then cum went inside my mouth . The taste was so good . 'Damn Noah you taste so good ... ' and then he cummed in my mouth . He moaned and moaned and said it was so fucking good . I took off my thong, and bra , and we had sex . He played with my nipples , then sucked on them . I lay down , spread my legs out , and he was pumping into me , and at one point he cummed again . He whispered " Kate ... you're the one I need . You're so fucking beautiful ... " . It felt so fucking good , that I just couldn't resist him . I wanted him to be mine . I knew he was the right one for me , it was this moment that I knew it . This dream told me everything . I climaxed and had an orgasm , and we were done . We put our clothes back on and we went upstairs . We just lay down and talked and talked and talked until it was 11:37 .

Then that's when things went black and I woke up . Damnit , I thought . It was just a dream and I knew it . I checked my phone . Text from : Noah . WHAT !? Omg . I still had cum taste in my mouth . It was all real ... Omg . But how did I get his number ? How did he text me and KNOW my number ??? Omg . Omfg . I actually did that at his house . And on my phone there were DIRECTIONS to his house . omg 😭 no no no it was real ... was he even wearing a condom .... I gotta talk to him . I can't believe I did that last night .... I felt everything . I lost my V-Card to Noah last night , even though I BARELY EVEN KNOW HIM . I thought it was a dream ... was I drugged ??? Whatever ..... I'll try to find things out today . Well , I'm in Noah's room .... Noah's beside me . Here goes the questions .

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