glued shut

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A few days after Meredith was discharged
at merediths house

Meredith hears a knock at her door. At this point in her life she's not sure who it is. It could be anyone. Maggie coming in ranting about Jackson or whatever other problems she has, same with Amelia. Could be Alex wanting something. Possibly Andrew, she really hopes it's not him.

She goes to answer the door. Shocker. It's Andrew.
"Oh hey.. Andrew. Uh what do you need?"
"I actually came here to talk."
"Sure what is it"
"Can i come in?"

Meredith let's Andrew in. They sit on the couch to talk. Andrew looks content so she's not too worried.

"Again I am so sorry about what happened before. Are we good?"
"Andrew, I've said many times it's okay."
"So now what? Mer idk what we are anymore"

"Well we can be friends I guess. It's going to take me some time to get with you again, you really hurt me Andrew. You know how I felt about Derek and for you to just bring him up like that?" Meredith pauses
"Sorry." She says in response to what she said before.
"Alright, friends it is then. See ya later, Mer."
"You too, bye"

Andrew leaves Merediths house. She feels good knowing they are friends again. She doesn't have that sick feeling about having to work with him while he was annoyed at her for wanting time, aka his bitchy side.


sorry this chapter was incredibly short! and no hate to andrew, I love him.
Let me know if you would like me to end this story soon or keep going longer! I have a lot in mind still :)

~ s a r a h ~

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