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Andrew wakes up from his sleep on the couch. He looks at Meredith on the other couch, where he put her last night.
He gives a warm smile just looking at her peacefully sleeping.
He gets up to make her some breakfast, but before he gets to the kitchen she wakes up.
"Oh hey Mer, your up!"

Meredith rubs her eyes and realizes what happened last night.
"Oh my god. Andrew I kissed Hayes last night. Oh my godd"
"Don't worry about it!"
"No no! I don't care that you know because we aren't technically dating right now.. but it's going to be awkward with him"
"I'm sure he won't mind, you were drunk anyway"
"Yeah but still"
Meredith lets out a sigh, but not from sadness.

"buttt you are off today. I took off for both of us, you shouldn't go to work like this." Andrew says
"Thanks? I guess"

Andrew decides to go with fried eggs today, just because it's easy.
Meredith does not feel good at all. She goes up to get some water but throws up on the floor before she can get there.
"It's okay, I can clean it up."
"Andrew.. I'm not sick. I'm just hungover. I can clean it up myself"

Meredith is a little annoyed by Andrew but not too much. She isn't feeling well at all, but still she isn't sick.

"Well anyway, eggs are ready!"
"Okay in a sec"
The two sit down at the table to eat their eggs but it's just complete silence.
Andrew starts to talk to keep things alive.
"So.. do you want to go into work tomorrow? Or you need another day off"
"I can go in. You don't need to take care of me like I'm some sick kid"

Meredith walks up and goes into the bathroom, vomiting even more.

"I'm sorry.." Andrew says.

replacedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora