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( knock knock )

Meredith goes to answer her door.
"Oh my god. Derek? How-"
"Hello Meredith."
"Hey Mer, who's at the door" Andrew comes to the door.
"Who's that? Derek?"

Meredith wakes up fast to her and Andrews pagers going off. She sighs knowing her dream won't become a reality.
"Andrew wake up, we have to go to work"
They share a bed now and Meredith thinks it's kinda cool.
Andrew mumbles. It's 3:47 am, with a possibly intense case coming in.
"I'll be in the car, hurry up. It's a 911 page so we gotta go"
Meredith gets into the car and Andrew shows up 3 minutes later.

They arrive at the hospital as soon as they could. They get in their trauma gowns and go wait outside.

"Megan Hunt, 36, female, shot in the stomach twice, going into septic shock" the EMT yells.

"Oh my god. Megan. That's who I did the abdominal transplant on.."
"Okay! Let's get an MRI stat!"

Bailey takes her to get an MRI. Meredith freezes because Megan reminded her of Nathan. She was confused why Nathan wasn't with her.
"Hey, you okay?" Andrew asks her
"Yeah.. yeah I'm fine"
Meredith runs inside and goes to see the MRI scans.
"She has cardiac tamponade!! Page cardio and get her to an OR immediately!" Bailey yells.
Maggie, Bailey, and Andrew all go to the OR.
"Okay I'm going to drain the fluid around the heart!" Maggie says.
"She's in v-tach! Paddles!"
"Charge to 50! Clear!"
"Charge again!" Clear!
"Charge to 100! Clear!"
"I think we lost her..." Andrew says
"son of a bitch!"
They lost Megan Hunt. Owen and Meredith are going to be heartbroken. but imagine what Nathan is going to go through.

Andrew and Meredith were talking about Megan and then she saw him, again.
"Nathan?? Oh my god."

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