shoot me down

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It's 2:38 am. Both pagers go off.
Andrew wakes up before Meredith and kisses her on her temple before waking her up carefully.
"We have to go to work"
Meredith puts her pillow over face and groans.
They get up, get ready and then go.

Once they get to the hospital they arrive and find 28 patients who were injured in a work place shooting.

"Oh my god" Andrew mumbles in shock
"Okay let's get moving" Meredith shouts and runs off to help.

Meredith and Andrew both take a patient that just came in.
"3 GSWs to the chest! Let's book an OR stat!"
Meredith yells.

Andrew books the OR and once it's prepped they go into surgery.

In surgery they successfully remove the one bullet, but cannot manage to keep the patient stable removing the second. They move onto the third after stabilizing and get that one out too.
They try again for the second but it went directly into the patients lungs.


Meredith starts compressions and continues for 40 minutes.

"Dr. Grey.. we lost him"
"No! No we didn't!"

This reminded her of Derek getting shot and their whole shooting.

Andrew places his hands over Merediths and gives her a saddened look.
"He's gone.."

Meredith rips her mask off, scrubs out, then storms out of the OR.

"Time of death 03:49" Andrew says.

Meredith runs into a supplies closet and starts pacing.
Andrew walks out of the OR and goes to look for her. A nurse points to the supply room.

He goes inside and finds her pacing around the room.
"Hey.. Mer" He looks concerned.
"I'm sorry. I-I should go back out and help more p-people"
"Mer stop. What is it?"

Andrew holds Merediths shoulders to stop the pacing. He looks her in her eyes and sees that they are a little teary.

"Meredith. Tell me"
"Andrew.. we should go help"
"Not unless you tell me what happened"
"It's just a shooting that happened awhile ago! Now can we go?"

"No.. it's obviously not just a shooting. Look, I may have not been there to know what went down but it must have been traumatic and I understand that"

"Alex was shot, 2 residents from my class were killed, Derek was shot, Owen was shot, and I told the shooter to kill me as an eye for an eye."

"Oh wow. I'm so sorry Mer. I get why this is hard for you.. if there is anything I can do to help just let me know"

"You don't get it, there was much more. It's not just them getting shot! The ptsd and the aftermath too!"

Meredith walks out and goes to help.

14 hours later

After all the patients were taken care of, dead or alive, Meredith decides she wants to go home and get some sleep. She doesn't want to go alone, so she goes and gets Andrew.

"I'm sorry about earlier, can we go home?"
Meredith says while yawning.
"Sure, I'll drive you home."

They get into the car and Andrew drives home. Meredith falls asleep in the car.
Andrew looks at her while he can without getting into a car crash, but he finds it peaceful watching her sleep.

Once they arrive to her house, Andrew was going to carry her in but she wakes up instead.

Meredith doesn't say anything else until they get upstairs into bed.
Andrew sits on the bed, only because Meredith was laying her head on his chest. He didn't want to move her.
"I love you" Meredith says before falling asleep.

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