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In the attendings lounge

Meredith is still crying about her kissing Nathan. Alex is going to pack his stuff up and notices her.
"Mer? What's wrong?"
Meredith wipes her tears up.
"I cheated on Andrew"
"With who..?"
"Nathan Riggs."
"Riggs?? He's back?"
"Yeah.. he is. And he kissed me, then I kissed him back. Andrew doesn't know but I regret it and I don't know what to do"
"Just play it off cool. Id say don't tell him unless Riggs says something about it"
"That's my plan. Well I'll see you later, Alex"

A few hours later

Meredith sees Andrew talking to Bailey about a patient. She goes up after he's done talking to her.
"Hey. Andrew, I don't have anything scheduled for today? Can I join in on your case?"
"Why not. The surgery isn't for another hour so how have you been?"
"Great, yup I've been great! Just wonderful. And you?"
"Wel-" Andrew starts but gets cut off

"Dr. Grey I need you in this surgery! Scrub in!!" Riggs tells her while rushing to an OR.

"I guess I'm not on your case today haha, I'll see you whenever I'm done!" Meredith tells Andrew.

Meredith and Nathan are in surgery, keeping the patient stable. He makes it out and is resting. Riggs thought for sure the patient had not much of survival chance, but he lived.

"Hey Meredith, thanks for your help. You did a good job" Riggs smiles
"Of course, and you did too!"

Nathan gives Meredith a 'hot' smirk.
"Come on Grey"

Riggs takes Meredith into an on-call room and they briefly have sex.
"This is such a bad idea, but it's kind of hard to help" Meredith admits
"I know, I'm so difficult to resist" Nathan jokes around.
"911, gotta go. See you later though!" Meredith quickly changes and goes.

It's Andrew. His patient is tachycardic and seizing.
"5mg of diazepam!" Andrew calls.
The patient seizure stops.
"Dose of amiodarone!"
The patients heart restarts and isn't coding anymore.

Even though Meredith didn't really need to help, she was still paged.
After they saved the patient Meredith and Andrew kiss outside right by their car. They smile at each other and drive home.

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