in between

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Andrew wakes up and kisses Meredith temple.
She wakes up to his comforting warm touch.
"Hey Andrew" She softly smiles.
He smiles back and they kiss each other.

Merediths smile fades.
"Andrew.. I have to tell you something"
"What is it?"
Andrews pager goes off.
"Can it wait? I have to get to work."
"Don't worry about it"

Andrew leaves for work, leaving Meredith alone at home.
A soft tear runs down her cheek thinking about how Andrew will feel when he finds out.
She can't keep it in anymore.

A little bit later Merediths pager goes off too. She leaves for work.

At work Meredith sees both Nathan and Andrew. They walk up to her; both of them do.
The two say hi to her and look at each other.
"uh I got to go hah" she uncomfortably smiles.

"What was that all about?" Andrew asks Riggs
"Not sure" Riggs tells him then walks away

Andrew gets a little suspicious but he thinks they are just good friends still.

After their surgery's

Meredith sees Nathan. He looks upset, it's probably a patient loss.
"What happened?"
"Nothing, I just lost my patient"
"I'm sorry.."
"Come here"

In an on-call room Riggs and Meredith are under the covers having some fun, alone time. The lights are off, and the room isn't too bright.

Andrew is looking for Meredith after saving a patient he had for almost a week. He hears her laugh from an on-call room near by.

"Meredith? Oh my god. How could I have known. You bitch" Andrew aggressively says then walks away.
"Shit. I gotta go." Meredith tells Riggs then gets up and leaves.

"Andrew wait! It's not what it looks like. I can explain!"
"No. You said you weren't going to get with him and i walk into a room and your fucking him!?"
"Andrew.. please"

Andrew leaves the hospital leaving Meredith just watching him walk away from her.

"Meredith" Nathan quietly says
"Leave me alone! It's bad enough" she yells at him and leaves to go home.

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