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The next day at work

Meredith looks at Hayes talking to a little girl. She finds it adorable, she loves his personality. On the other hand, Andrew has a warm heart as well, and she loves his personality.

"Hey have you made your choice yet?" Andrew walks up to her
"it's been a day! I need time Andrew" Meredith laughs.
"Alright, just please let me know."
"Don't worry I will.."

A few hours after a surgery Andrew had, he tries to go and find Meredith. He does find her, but she is not doing what he thought.
She was crying.. in the attendings lounge. Weird. She wasn't like sobbing, she was just very silently and softly crying. He doesn't know why though.
"oh my god, andrew"
Meredith wipes her tears away.
"Is everything okay...?" he asks
"Andrew. I'm fine. Trust me.."
Meredith leaves the room before he can say anything else.
"oh.. okay" he says in an empty room.

Andrew tries to figure out what's wrong with her, but he can't think of anything. He assumes it's just a patient.

Meredith finds herself doing some charts for her other patient. She sees Hayes doing some of his charts for his patient. She can't help but notice his eyes, his bright blue eyes. She's in love.

Meredith let's out a sigh. She loves Andrew.. but she loves Hayes.
She notices Andrew walking down the one hallway.
"Andrew wait!"
"Come with me"

Meredith pulls Andrew into the storage room.
"Meredith if it's what I think it is, I won't be mad"

Meredith pulls him in and slowly goes into kiss him. He kisses back they share a romantic slow kiss.

"Andrew, I think i made my decision"

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