15 | secrets

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(Y/N)'s POV:

From that evening on we made it a tradition to meet at my house on Friday's after school, when Nara worked late, to try to piece together the information we had.

Part of me wanted to find the truth, yet, to be honest, part of me was still so afraid of what it could be.

Kirishima and Bakugo had introduced me to their friendship group and we spent quite a lot of time together. I was glad, as the time I spent with them I was actually happy, not lost in my thoughts and worry about Shoto.

On a rainy Friday in early summer we were sitting around the dining table in my apartment looking through Shoto's missing person's reports. I noticed that despite the fact I could not hold back my tears, I would have never managed to go through them without Kirishima and Bakugo.

"Hey guys come look at this," Krishima who had his laptop open suddenly looked up, "I looked up Todoroki Missing Person and it looks like Todoroki wasn't the first of Endeavour's children to be reported missing."

Bakugo and I shifted closer to him, "Go on," I sipped on my canned coffee.

"Okay this is actually kinda crazy guys," Kirishima's eyes widened.

"For crying out loud just fucking tell us already!" Bakugo rubbed his temples.

"He had an older brother," Kirishima started.

"Natsuo?" I raised my eyebrow slightly, remembering Shoto mentioning him.

"No, his name is Toya," Kirishima scrolled through the article, "Went missing about eight years ago and is," he paused, "presumed dead."

"(Y/N)?" Bakugo turned to me, "He ever mention that?"

I did not answer. I felt horrible. I was complaining about what had happened to my brother when his-

"No, no Shoto never mentioned a Toya," I answered quietly.

Kirishima started typing on his keyboard, "I'll see if there's anything else I can find out about him," he looked at me, "You alright?"

I nodded quickly and got up, "Yeah all great, I'm just a bit hungry," I looked at the clock, it was nearing 6.30pm, "Anyone want some instant noodles?"

"Heck yeah!" Kirishima cheered leaning back in his chair.

"Sure, whatever," Bakugo was scrolling through an article on his phone, chewing angrily on an already gnawed down pencil.

I turned and walked into the small adjacent kitchen, where I retrieved three pots of instant noodles from the pantry, lay them out and put some water on to boil.

Whilst I waited for the water to start bubbling, I leant against the counter and buried my head into my hands. Everyone's family had their secrets, right? I did not know why I was feeling like that after hearing that.

Was it maybe a verification that in fact I did not know my boyfriend at all?

I heart something shift in the kitchen doorframe and looked up.

It was Bakugo, his hands stuffed deeply into his pockets, his eyes avoiding mine.

There was an awkward silence.

"I- I wanted to see what your deal was-" he cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head, "if you are okay," he stepped into the kitchen, "When Shitty Hair mentioned Icy Hot's brother, you seemed weird."

Was he actually asking me if I was okay? I really appreciated it but did not want to bring the mood down even more with my depressing backstory.

"I'm okay," I smiled slightly, "Was just a bit taken aback he never told me," I told a half truth.

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