09 | just one night

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(Y/N)'s POV:

The bell rang at last. The little hope that had built up inside of me had come tumbling down when I remembered that I had to serve detention that evening.

"Shit," I mumbled under my breath, pulling my phone out of my pocket to text Nara.

She replied as fast as usual: "Oh that's a bummer >:/ ! No worries I'm not home anyway, staying over at boyfriend's place tonight ;)" I rolled my eyes as I continued to read the paragraph,  "So you have the place to yourself anyways. Don't be late and don't forget to make sure the door's locked before you go to bed! Lots of love!! <3" 

I answered with a short: "Okay, see you tomorrow," and stuffed my phone back into my skirt pocket, before making my way to the huge notice board by the entrance that lists the students serving detention and which room they're in.

Among several names I didn't know I saw my own, we were in 1B's classroom. A quick glance at the clock on the wall made me break out into a sprint, taking two steps at a time as I made my way up the broad staircase. As always, I was already late.

In detention I had to finish the essay I'd forgotten to do, but as it so often was, I couldn't concentrate. Once again my thoughts landed on Shouto and the heavy, sickly worrying feeling spread out in my stomach. 

I gripped my pen tighter and took a deep breath, no matter where he was, I was sure the last thing he'd want is for me to be like this. The thought of all I'd lost in the past few years was picking at me again. Images of Mum, Dad, my brother and Shouto were now flashing violently in front of my eyes at a dizzying speed. Now I was blinking stinging tears out of my dry eyes, but I managed to keep it together. I finished my essay and without even looking through it, I handed it to the teacher in charge of detention.

"Very well, (L/N), you may leave now," they directed me out of the room. Only now did I realise I was one of the last students still in the classroom. I nodded and without a word, I pushed the doors open and hurried through the corridors. The sun was spreading its last rays through the huge windows and tinting the corridors in a dim, golden light. The whole school was so silent, the only sounds I could hear were my footsteps echoing off the walls.

I checked my phone, and cursed under my breath. I'd missed the last bus, for it was already nearing 8pm. Thanking my lucky stars I'd brought my jacket, I pushed the grand entrance doors open and stepped outside.

I walked past the bus stop in the direction of our apartment block, putting in my earphones to block out the distant traffic. Much as I hated it, my mind forced me back into the depths of my thoughts. The song in the background was becoming a white noise as my thoughts got louder. 

At some point, I instinctively looked over my shoulder, but didn't think much of it. Only when it happened for the third time did I stop walking and take a closer look around. I felt as if someone was following me, which instantly made me uncomfortable. 

I jumped slightly as the streetlights flickered on, providing a bit of light, for it was now almost dark. I couldn't see anything and consoled myself with the thought that I was almost home, so I continued to walk. I wasn't surprised that the streets nearing our apartment block where this quiet, not a single soul was out and about after 8.30pm.

The song coming from my earphones was nearing it's chorus when I thought I heard something, "(Y/N)," Yeah I could have sworn that I'd just heard someone say my name, "Oh boy I'm tired," I told myself.

"(Y/N)," there it was again, I shook my head, I looked at my shadow stretching out in front of me. As it grew shorter as I approached the next streetlamp, my heart sank as a saw a second shadow behind me. Just as I was about to spin around, I felt two strong arms fasten tightly around me. I wanted to scream, but one of the person's hands was pressed against my mouth. No matter how hard I tried to break the person's grip, they simply picked me up like a doll and carried me into one of the alleyways. I finally managed to break free by kicking them in the shin. I spun around to see a hooded guy with a black mouth mask. I was ready to give him all hell on earth, when I managed to look into his eyes only possible because of the dim streetlights.

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