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hello everyone!

just wanted to quickly announce that i have started writing a new BNHA fanfiction! this time a bakugo katzuki x reader titled "My Heart".

i decided i wanted to try write something a bit different, so it's an AU (alternate universe)! that means it's not based on quirks and heroes, but they are in a school of music and dance... which i am seeing a lot of fanart and cosplays of lately so have kinda been inspired! it's like if the School Festival Arc was the main plot?

i am incorporating all the characters' quirks & personalities into their music & dance, so the character dynamics will still be the same.

just wanted to leave this here to let you know, would mean the world to me if you checked out the prologue and 1st chapter and comment or dm me your opinion!

this does not mean this story stops here by any means, i will be updating here regularly now as i have finally planned out the ending of the story! which I can not wait to share with you guys!

thanks for all the support and comments, it really means a lot to me to have so many of you enjoying the story and interested in seeing how it pans out! i love reading all your comments as well.

lots of love and stay safe,

aly x

Heroes - todoroki shoto x readerWhere stories live. Discover now