Another Life~ Altair

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Had he ever wanted a different line of work? Altair had never asked himself that, he was an assassin, the best in the world, born into the order.

But he found himself at loss for words as his eldest son had asked him this question. The young Darim, he was now 6 years old and yet his unstoppable questions continued. Most of them were just silly questions Altair could handle with a simple answer.

"Why are the robes white? I like blue."

"Must we wear hoods? Can we not just disguise ourselves differently? "

"Why can't I have a pet? Not even a small bird."

"Malik lost his arm many years ago, will we all loose one arm?"

Many strange questions with logical answers, but this caught him off guard. He had been asked a similar question as a young man by Al Mualim but they were both adults, Al Mualim an old man.

"W-Well, no I hadn't ever thought of that.", Altair answered. "This is the only life I have ever known, I know more of the Assassin's than I do of anything else."

He sat in his study, by his desk, and the young boy stood by his father's side.

"What would you have liked to be? If not an assassin, then what?", Darim asked, his hair a wreck as he was going to be put to bed soon.

Altair thought for a moment before speaking, "I would have been what ever was given to me. If I was given a job as a fishermen, a guard, or even a scholar, I would have become anything as long as I provided for my family."

"But you wouldn't have met mother. You met her as an Assassin.", the young boy said.

Altair nodded. "Yes, but I would have met her eventually. If two souls are meant for each other they will find a way to be together.", he explained.

Darim yawned as he heard his father's words. He understood just fine. The boy began walking towards the door as he heard Maria calling for him.

"I want to be like you when I'm older, everyone will fear me when I become the best assassin in the world.", he smiled. "Good night, Abbun."

"Good night, little one."

Not sure if Abbun is what I hope it is. I tried to do research and what I came up with was that Abbun means father. Hopefully I'm right because it would be embarrassing if I wasn't. I'll take any feedback, comments, or even suggestions. Message me or whatever if you have anything to say. Thanks for reading.

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