Time to go~ Aveline and Connor

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So this little one shot caught me by surprise while I was listening to music. Takes place some years after AC3. And I really mean it like some years after. They're old, not super old just like idk in their 30's old.

It had been many years since Aveline had last seen Connor. They were on good terms, very good friends as they both understood each other.

She'd gone over to the Homestead, Aveline had some work to do which required Connor's help.

Their mission hadn't gone as planned. It went sour, they were on horseback, trying to get away.

Connor and Aveline were riding on the same horse. The man held her in front of him, Aveline had been seriously injured. Her left side was bleeding profoundly. Connor hadn't left without a scratch either. He'd been stabbed in the shoulder.

He steered the horse and nicked it with the back of his boot so it would go faster. Connor felt the wind rushing through his hair as he kept his dear friend close.

He got them to the Homestead quickly. Aveline's side needed to be looked at first.

The woman awoke later that night. She quickly sat up. Aveline felt her side and noticed it had been bandaged.

She remembered the assignment they were on. How she was the one who alarmed the others of their presence. She'd messed up, badly.

Aveline had gotten Connor hurt, she wasn't quick enough to stop herself from getting hurt either.

Connor was passing by Aveline's room when he heard a whimper come from inside.

Was the woman crying? He'd never seen or even heard her cry.

"Aveline?", he knocked.

She didn't answer, Connor slowly opened the door to make sure she was alright.

He saw her curled up in her bed, under her blankets. The light was dim but still he saw her form underneath the blankets she was in.

"Is everything alright?", he asked.

Connor went over to her side and sat on the bed. Aveline was facing the other way. She was crying quietly.

"It's a young man's game, Connor.", she said hardly above a whisper. "We're not the Assassin's we used to be."

The man knew what she was talking about. They'd messed up on their mission and now Aveline was blaming their age.

She sat up and wiped away the tears. Aveline sat next to Connor as their shoulders touched. The man was wearing a simple shirt which had the sleeves rolled up. A simple pair of black trousers, and Aveline could obviously tell that he was about to go to bed himself.

"You got hurt because of me. I didn't see that idiot when he attacked, I thought I had your back but I was too slow.", she spoke.

Connor shushed her by putting his hand on her own. He exhaled slowly, "We might be aging but name any other people our age that can do the things we do."

He was right about that. They were healthy for their age. They might even live longer than others. Perhaps.

She stifled a sob. "It's too late for anything now."

Aveline agreed that yes, they were quite different from others their own age. They were possibly even better, being trained as Assassin's and all.

"What do you mean?", he asked, obviously confused.

She turned her head. "We're not the best Assassin's anymore, but if we leave, there's nothing for us. I want out, Connor, but there's nothing else for me."

He understood her better now. Aveline knew they weren't in the best shape to be Assassin's anymore. If they quit, if they retired and decided the life of an Assassin was too much, there was nothing else. Aveline wanted a family, someone to help her forget of the Assassin's all together.

"My time is running out.", she said sadly.

Connor shook his head. "No, you're time has just started."

She sighed and pulled at the blankets around her. "Is it to late for me to experience motherhood?", she asked him.

Aveline wanted an honest answer, she was not an old woman but she wasn't extremely young either.

"No, it is the perfect time for you to experience it.", he answered truthfully.

They spoke quietly for what seemed like hours.

Connor convinced her that it wasn't her fault what happened on their assignment. He'd been hurt before, much worse than a stab wound.

"If you want motherhood, I suggest starting now.", he said warmly.

It was still dark out, the window of Aveline's room was open and a light breeze trickled in. A fresh night.

"And what if I do choose that path, what then? If I'm not good at it, what will I do?", she asked worriedly.

They duo hadn't moved much, Aveline now had her knees up to her chest as she sat and Connor lent against the wall behind him.

"You will be good at it. If it's what you want, you will deliver nothing less than perfection.", he explained to her.
Aveline nodded as she lent back, her arm grazed his shoulder and Connor flinched slightly.

"Don't be such an imfant," she smiled. "You've been through worse, mon amour."

At least she'd brought back her tough self. Aveline didn't sound very worried at all anymore but her face showed otherwise.

She thought for a few moments. Was she ready for motherhood? Would she bring down her blade for another life? Yes, she would.

"Thank you, Connor.", she smiled. "You would make a wonderful parent, you know that?"

Connor's eyes went wide. This conversation just took a very large turn and he wasn't ready for it.

"A parent?", he asked, clearly shocked.

She chuckled lightly. Aveline now turned her full attention to the man beside her.

"Let me ask you something. For children, would you rather have a son or daughter?", the woman asked.

Aveline was now getting curious. Connor had brought her out of her worry and now she was ecstatic of the idea on having a family.

"I think I'd like to have a son, but a daughter would also be nice.", she said thoughtfully.

Connor's mouth was agape as Aveline laughed beside him.

"Well," he began, "Starting with my grandfather, there hasn't exactly been many daughters in the Kenway family.", he said.

Yes, Connor thought, it would be nice to have a daughter. His grandfather had a daughter but she didn't adopt the Kenway name.

"Hmm," Aveline thought with a finger on her chin, "What about the name? I'm not sure what I'd name my son, perhaps he might even be a junior."

"I have a bad feeling about this. Children are sloppy and messy.", Connor said as he stood up.

All this talk of kids made his head hurt. Also, it was quite awkward talking about it.

"Well I have a good feeling, it ought to even it out. Connor, where are you going?!", Aveline called as the man went to the door.

He stopped as he held onto the doorknob. Connor felt his cheeks flush a hot red.

"It's late, I should let you get some sleep.", he lied.

Connor would use any excuse as long as he didn't have to stay beside a half dressed woman and talk about children.

"Good night, Aveline.", he spoke quickly before heading out the door.

Aveline crossed her arms. "Such a child himself.", she huffed.

Lea_Selina57! Yup I did this one shot mostly for you my friend :D
I hope you all liked it, comments and questions you can totally leave them. Anything else you can message me I don't mind at all. Thanks for reading.

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