My brother~ Tazim and Darim

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"Get off each other!", Altair yelled. "You look like fools!"

Darim and Tazim were sprawling on the ground, others came from wherever they were to separate the two men.

Darim threw a quick punch before being pulled back by the other men.

"You should've stayed in that rat hole you were buried in!", Tazim screamed as they grabbed and pulled him away too.

There was a very reasonable explanation for their fight.

Darim had just arrived a few days ago. He hadn't seen his father in a very long time. Tazim on the other hand, was always there for Altair, since the day they met.

All this started because Tazim simply didn't like the other man.

"Where were you when your father was suffering? How would you feel, not being able to mourn for your loved ones because of your responsibilities?", Tazim told him once.

Every time Darim went to his father for help, Altair would tell him the same thing.

He was sitting in his study, reading old scrolls and writing on parchment.

"Your favored is quite impossible. He's rude, stubborn, hard to please, a trait he must've inherited from his father.", Darim told him.

Altair shook his head as he sat up and looked toward his son.

"Tazim is not my favorite. Yes, he's quite like Malik but that doesn't mean he isn't a good man.", Altair told his son.

Darim was walking all throughout the room. He crossed his arms over his chest as he took long steps. Next, he'd be fidgeting with his sleeves, still pacing briskly as he thought of the other vile man, Tazim.

"He's hardly a man. The idiot has a child's brain, the side of a walnut.", the younger man said as he exhaled and went to lean against his father's desk.

Altair chuckled at the comment. Tazim was bright, he had a good mind and a great heart to back it up. His son just didn't see that.

"He's lost his father, Darim. The boy hardly knew Malik. You on the other hand, grew up with a loving family.", the mentor said as he started standing up.

Darim walked over and gave his father his arm to hold onto. He helped him up and Altair waved him away after.

"What exactly is that supposed to show me?", he asked rudely.

"You've both lost people. You get hurt like everyone else. Speak with him, you both have more in common than you think.", Altair said as he started walking away from his desk.

Darim stood bewildered. What did that mean? They had things in common, of course they didn't. It would still be worth a try to speak to the other man.

Which is why they were fighting. Tazim simply couldn't forgive Darim. He'd left his father alone, to mourn by himself.

No one should ever mourn alone, that's what Tazim tried to explain. This other man would be punished, even if just by a little.

Altair called them both into his study the next day. If those two weren't going to make up, he'd fix this himself.

"The stables are filthy. As punishment, you'll both clean them and," he paced around and thought for a second, "I'd like the swords to be shined and sharpened, as well as the other weapons and gear."

Darim and Tazim stood side by side. Each of them in their Assassin robes. They both held a look of disbelief.

"You want us to clean?", Darim dared to ask.

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