A week in Paradise~ Arno and Connor

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This is sort of AU but not quite. Probably one of my longer chapters, no doubt about it. I might make a story with this I'll be working on it but it's still fresh in my mind so it will take a little time. Thanks Lea_Selina57 for your help I wouldn't have even considered making a story if it wasn't for you!

"Come now, Arno. Or are you tired already?", his father called to him as their ship docked.

The young eight year old came running out. "I'm never too tired to be outside.", he proclaimed as he followed his father off the ship.

Charles Dorian had business to attend to. He told nothing of it to his son, simply saying he needed to work. They'd traveled from France to America.

Arno was quite excited to see a different side of the world.

They arrived at a home, which Arno thought was quite nice. He didn't know what this place was, it was a simple community with grass all around.

It turned out that this place was called the Homestead. Arno thought it was a strange name.

Charles knocked on the door and they were greeted by an old man who, Arno noticed, used a cane. A much younger man stood behind him.

"Ah, I was wondering when you would arrive. Come inside, we have work to do.", the old man stated.

Arno was left to wander around the home, he found it quite large and well maintained.

After an hour or so, his father, the old man, and his friend came to find Arno sitting on the steps.

The old man's name turned out to be Achilles, his friend, Connor.

"Arno, we'll have to stay here for the week.", his father explained on their first night. "I'll be busy with Achilles so you will be taken care of by Connor."

Wait, what?

"But I don't want to be taken care of by Connor, he seems too serious.", the boy said as he was being tucked in. "Probably never smiled in his life!"

His father chuckled. "I'll make you a deal. You survive the week with Connor and you'll get a gift once we return home."

"What kind of gift?", Arno asked.

Charles thought for a moment. "Mmm, one that's you will most likely enjoy."

Fine. He would show his father he could survive a week with Connor. Not for the gift but to show that he was patient and strong enough to stand the other man.

The next morning, Arno awoke to find his father was missing.

He dressed himself and sloppily combed his hair, simply throwing water on it and headed downstairs to look for him.

"Charles and the old man will be gone for some hours. I will be in charge of you during the day.", Connor was waiting for him, leaning against the wall.

He looked quite annoyed, but then again maybe that was just his face.

"I know.", the boy answered. "For the whole entire week."

Damn it. A week was too long.

"I've prepared a breakfast for you.", Connor said as he started walking towards the kitchen. "I didn't know whether you liked meat or not but you are a child. Children like sweet things."

Arno followed him and found that Connor had prepared him a bowl of fruit. The child gave the man a look of 'Are you kidding me?'

"Um... Thank you.", he sat down, a spoon in his hand as Connor dismissed himself and went out the door.

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