Punches~ Altair and Sef

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"Come now, Sef. It's not at all that difficult. ", Altair told his son as he lifted the young 12 year old onto a horse.

Darim sat against the railing of the stables, watching his brother and eating a bag of carrots he'd gotten from the pantry, lying that they would be for the horses.

"Try not to fall", he joked as his father sent him a glare.

"Don't worry, Sef. It's much easier than it looks.", Altair explained as he took a step back.

They were teaching Sef how to ride. Altair also gave Darim lessons when he was about 12 years old.

Darim kept joking, making fun of Sef for not being able to ride as well as himself. Little Sef couldn't even keep his balance as Altair helped him stay seated on the saddle. "Even Malik can ride better than you!", he yelled.

At that moment the one armed man came up behind the boy. "I can?", he asked.

The young boy was sent a death glare from Altair as Sef was laughing wildly on his horse.

"Do not worry, I can ride better than you too.", Malik told Darim as he also lent against the stable walls.

He heard that Altair was giving one of his infamous riding lessons to Sef and wouldn't miss this for the world. Altair was not a very good teacher and his sons are quite stubborn.

After a few hours of trying to show Sef how to properly lead the steed into a trot, the young boy was frustrated.

"I can't do it!", he whined, "Might as well be blind!", Sef yelled.

Altair tried to calm him down. "It takes time an patience, you're still young you shouldn't expect to be an expert when you first start.", he said as he pulled on the reins and let the horse take small steps.

"Can't I do it on my own then?", Sef asked, his arms crossed over his chest.

Malik chuckled and called out. "Yes, let him get hurt and have Maria after your life! Go ahead, let him ride on his own."

The one armed man and Darim were grinning from the stables. Malik made fun of Altair while Darim made fun of his younger brother.

"No. You're too young.", Altair told his son.

Sef scoffed. "I know enough! Let me do it on my own.", he proclaimed.

Altair had once had the same problem with Darim. The boy was adamant and declared he was ready to ride on his own. Of course, he wasn't, his son had been too young and Altair would not have let him ride on his own.

Father and son both exchanged quite colorful words next. Darim and Malik stood by the stables, the young boy held onto Malik as he almost tumbled over in laughter.

"I can't believe you!", Sef yelled. "Mother is right, you truly are stubborn.", he said under his breath.

The man obviously heard it still. "Off, now.", Altair growled as he went to pick his son up and help him off his horse.

Sef let his father help him down but quickly slapped his hand away. "I can get off on my own."

After a bit more arguing, one thing led to another and the next thing that happened sent an anger unlike any other through Sef's veins. Altair scolded him for being so rude and how he shouldn't talk back. Sef, on the other hand, grew impatient and eventually went to tackle his father.

Altair dodged his attack with ease but didn't notice the punch coming his direction after the boy had caught his balance. Although he was young, Sef sent a strong punch to Altair's gut and stormed off.

Malik was now trying his best to suppress a laugh. His face turned red as he held back.

Eventually, both he and Darim started laughing. Cracking up and not able to control themselves.

After a few seconds, they calmed down.

Altair went storming to his friend. "It's not at all humorous. He got me in the gut!", he exclaimed.

"Don't be such an infant. You've had worse. Remember Darim's riding lessons?", Malik asked as he straightened himself out.

Darim heard his name being spoken and automatically excused himself. "Uh, mother needed my help with something, I should go.", and raced off, leaning the two adults alone.

Ah, yes. Darim's riding lessons. How could Altair forget.

He was only a few years younger than he was now. The father had decided it was time to teach Darim how to ride a horse. Malik was with him that day as an assistant, to help him with the boy.

This time they'd taken a horse from the stable and would make Darim ride out from Masyaf.

The poor boy, he argued with his father the whole time. Kicking and yelling at his father.

"I can do this on my own! I don't need your help!", he yelled as they were now heading down into the markets.

Altair held onto the reins tightly, Malik beside him. "You've hardly had one lesson, don't be so stubborn.", he tried to reason.

In reality, Altair was threatening the boy with a smile on his face, trying to play the nice guy.

Darim jumped off his horse and went to punch Altair's gut, when the Assassin blocked the punch was when Darim showed his true colors.

The boy was smart. He used the gut punch as a distraction so he'd be able to strike Altair's face.

The Assassin had a black eye after that which took a long time to heal.

"Don't remind me!", Altair waved his hand as he looked away.

Given a black eye by his own son. Still, it was better than being his target while the practiced his aim as a bowman. He still had a fresh cut on his shoulder from when Darim grazed him with the arrow.

"They will be the death of me.", he whined. "Malik, you teach him to ride. I have work to do and they have more patience with their uncle.", Altair started to say as he brought the horse back into the stables.

Malik shook his head. "I will finish your work. I'll talk to Sef. Tomorrow will be a new day, you will teach him to ride.", he explained as he started walking away. "Make him ride out from Masyaf perhaps?"

The one armed man was now out of view when Altair rubbed his forehead and sat on the floor.

What was he going to do, indeed.

Perhaps be could take Sef out and teach him ride out in the open. It would be a nice thing to experience with his son, maybe he'd bring Darim along. Make the older boy teach his brother to ride.

Yes, perfect. Altair would simply tell Darim that it is now his job to teach Sef of horseback riding. It wouldn't be bad, would it?

What did you think? Comments or questions go ahead and leave them. I haven't proofread so I'm sorry for any mistakes. Anything else you can message me I don't mind at all. Thanks for reading.

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