The life I had is gone~ Connor and Arno

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Now what was there left to do? Achilles was gone, it had been a few years since his death.

All Connor ever did now was stay in his room, read, or occasionally go out to hunt. He'd prefer to be left alone.

The man now lived by himself, hardly ever going out to socialize. Connor never spoke to anyone anymore. He was still an Assassin, he'd sometimes receive letters from his old friend Aveline but that was all.

That's as social as he would ever let himself become.

Connor felt something missing in his life. He craved warm waters, waves rolling against the sand. He wanted something different, something else.

Whenever he thought of home, he'd think of fresh sea water. Waves crashing against ships, a hot red sunset making the water turn various colors. Orange and pink skies in the afternoon with a blue night scattered in a blanket of stars. That was home.

But why?

Something felt as if it was left undone. It bothered Connor with an unbelievable force.

He had a dream that night. Connor was on an island of sorts. His feet met with the warm sand and it calmed him down. He wasn't wearing his robes, instead, he had on a plain white shirt and his dark trousers.

The sun was setting, a ship far off in the horizon. The cool air hit his face and Connor loved the feeling it gave him.

"You're work isn't quite finished yet, boy.", he heard behind him.

Connor quickly turned around and he saw another man, slightly older than him. He had blonde hair and a cocky grin on his face.

"What is this? These aren't my memories.", Connor told the man. He thought for a moment before speaking once more. "They're yours, your memories."

The blonde man chuckled and nodded. "Not quite memories anymore. You have to be alive to have memories."

Connor looked the man over, he was dressed the same, no shoes and his hair a mess while his white shirt was filthy. It held stains by the neckline which were probably from rum. Connor couldn't put his finger on it but the man looked very familiar.

"Do I know you?", he asked.

The blonde shook his head and laughed. "Of course not. I was gone long before you were born."

Connor stood his ground, confused but still, he would find answers. "Who are you?", he dared to ask.

"Edward James Kenway.", he gave a mocking salute and bowed down lazily. "And you-"

"I'm Connor.", he sighed.

Edward laughed, "No, you are lost, my boy.", he started walking toward Connor. "Now, let me take a look at you."

He put a hand on either side of Connor's face and studied him. Raising up one of Connor's arms, Edward went around the man and looked him up and down.

Finally he came to stand before him once more and laughed.

"You truly are my boy!", Edward grinned.

Connor gave him a bewildered look, his face turned to that of disgust as his upper lip twitched.

The blonde man quickly brought the other into a huge bear hug as he swayed them from side to side.

"I can't believe it! You must've inherited my good looks, lass.", he said as Connor was being suffocated and tried his best not to trip and fall.

Eventually, Connor shoved the other man off and regained his balance and breath.

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